Mast Brothers Chocolates, New York

Six months ago I couldn’t even spell ‘hipster’, but now I’ve been scorned by them, repeatedly, and bought their chocolate. Look, it’s Mast Brothers, “we’re so green we ship our beans by sailboat“. Seriously, what’s up with Brooklyn? Why is it that when we go into the tasting room / retail outlet of MB’s factory, […]

Metro Halal Food, New York

It seems like only yesterday that we arrived in Pitman. Actually it was 13 days, but whose counting? Bidding a fond farewell to the homefolks, we were off to the big smoke. I’m not kidding either, because this is right outside Madison Square Garden, and nothing in my limited experience is bigger and smokier than […]

Pegasus Diner, Malaga

Aaaaaah, another South Jersey Greek diner. Why are there so many of them? Why are they all the same, and so boring? We were speculating on the way in that Pegasus would have blue and white walls, but that was only because we had been to Olympia the night before for takeout. Nothing really Greek-looking […]

Blue Pig, Cape May

Cape May is beautiful, isn’t it? There are blocks and blocks of houses like this. But there’s only one Congress Hall, the first and most historic hotel at the Cape. You should see the inside here – lots of historic or restored touches in marble and wood, a nifty lounge in a semi-jungle theme and […]