I approach this review in a quiet residential neighborhood with some trepidation. What’s on tap for lunch today? A HUMMER? Are you sure? What’s it like? Oh, it’s LIKE NOTHING ELSE. Well, I can get behind that. Wait, what the heck IS this place? It is indeed, truly, verily, a ‘House of Tail’. Without further […]
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Quinto Canto, Osaka (クイントカント)

Any lunch that starts this way has got to be pretty good, right? No, seriously, I went to Osaka for the first time ever, and since someone else was paying the fare, I felt it left me plenty of room financially to act like a big shot. I worked the inter-pipes and came up with […]
Trattoria RYUDO, Roppongi (トラットリア リュウド)

My opinion of Roppongi dining isn’t great. You say ‘Roppongi’, I think ‘bad cost performance’. This place is the exception that proves the rule, as I like to say. Straight-up great cooking at great prices, only a few minutes from Nogizaka station or Roppongi crossing, at the end of a quiet street. Perfect. The maitre […]
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Coulis, Shintomi

After several lunches, I finally managed to make good on a dinner at Coulis. It turns out they really do serve you 10 courses for Y5.5k, and the vegetables are still great. I recommend setting aside a solid 3 hours for the kitchen to push out those dishes, and getting in quick since I still […]
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Rusticanella, Akasaka (ルスティカネラ)

Many times I’ve scoured Tabelog for dinner places in Akasaka and come away disappointed. One that was always on the cusp but never got picked was Rusticanella; here it is. (Incidentally, if I was looking now and had the money, I’d try this Uoshin place. It’s almost across the street from Rusticanella, which is why […]
Botanica, Roppongi

It’s a rare day that I have lunch at 11:30. It’s even rarer that I go to Roppongi for it, and rarer still that I enter the rarefied air of the Midtown restaurant floors. Always seemed like they were a bit too fancy, but for a family lunch with someone, it’s just the ticket. Botanica […]
Coulis, Shintomi

There are a few places in Tokyo that I believe in enough to go back to, and a very few that I feel compelled to post more than once about. Coulis is one of them. Y1800 for these four courses? Seriously? How do they stay in business? Feeding off the souls of the dead restaurants […]
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Salutare, Yushima (リストランテ サルターレ) 51683

I’ll not soon forget this afternoon – for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to get here, one of the most popular restaurants in Yushima, the one where even I can read the comments saying “It’s full every day,” at exactly 12 PM. Oopsie. The waitress was nice about it, not […]
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Molinari’s Deli, San Francisco

We just, y’know, stopped off in San Fran for a few minutes. Checked in downtown, had a look around. Ran smack into the 57th annual North Beach Street Fair. Shit. So much for showing someone all the little places I used to love around here. People were lined up 6 and 8 deep to get mediocre […]
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Tharros, Shibuya (タロス 渋谷・中目黒)

The original of this post was lost in The Great Blogger Crash of Last Week, wherein they rolled back a day-and-a-half of edits. It wasn’t that good in the first place, so little harm done. Years ago, I used to read Tokyo Calendar all the time. It’s a dangerous habit – the restaurants are mostly […]