Well, where are we? I’ve come to the point in life, at least my Monnaka life, where I see slow change over time. And it’s all slow, this being Japan (at least until it goes hyper, like the new Shibuya buildings, or Shimokita). So when I go to a new place like this, I have […]
Nikuzushi, Monzen Nakacho (肉寿司 門前仲町)

This is a new one to the neighborhood, at least since last time I scouted. It was already pretty late, and a lot of stuff was closed or closing (or full, which is how my life continues not to include the experience of entering Shot Bar Funx). This place had the dual advantages of still […]
Yatsushita, Monzennakacho (和食 やつした)

It’s quirky, right? You stay down in southwest Tokyo, Kanagawa really, for 4 weeks, but something draws you back. Inexorably. Through mysterious circumstances we found ourselves staying for three nights in Monzennakacho, 2 minutes from where I used to live. Incidentally, I totally recommend this hotel. Amazing location, and the Japanese-style room was really sweet. […]
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Soregashi, Gotanda (酒場 それがし)

Soregashi is known to many…or at least to my circle of hardened fellow travelers and explorers. It showed up on my list of potential things to do in greater Meguro, and then when I realized it was on Woodrow’s list from a few years ago, the deal was closed. I met up with You, who […]
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Fuon, Meguro (風音)

I got all excited when I learned I was going to be working in Meguro for two weeks. I say ‘learned’ like I didn’t bust my hump to arrange it… but as soon as it was finalized, the ol’ obsessive habits kicked in and I was busily cataloguing every izakaya, ramen, and romantic European restaurant […]
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Kei, Gakugei Daigaku (日本酒専門店 圭)

The Bird and I had a very quiet time at Ametsuchi. I was thinking even before we started there of going for a second place on this evening, and the atmosphere and first couple dishes confirmed it. By the end I was positively itchy to finish our hike from Meguro to Gakuegeidai and see about […]
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Ametsuchi, Gakugei Daigaku (あめつち)

Sometimes the whole universe is contained in a single sesame seed. This isn’t one of those times. But it’s cool. It’s all good, baby. You’d think that the name of this place was about the rain and the soil, and the produce that they produce, but if you looked a little more you might start […]
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Ichie, Sangenjaya (イチエ, 三軒茶屋)

This was a great experience. And it restored my faith in humanity. Or at least my interest in finding great new places. I had a run of great luck recently and didn’t go to a bum place. Some that were maybe just OK, but nothing bad and some wonderful surprises. So it was more than […]
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Kan, Ikejiri Ohashi (カン 池尻大橋)

Ehhhhhh, Big Bird and I were all set to lovelovelove this place. Somehow it seemed too easy, too predictable, not good enough, and ultimately boring. Oh, and expensive. I may have grown to prefer the thrill of discovery, with my ridiculous run of good-to-amazing places over the last two weeks setting way too high a […]
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Ame Ni Mo Makezu, Ikebukuro (割烹 雨ニモマケズ)

Oh for goodness’ sake, will the stream of amazing restaurants never end? Just when I was getting a bit sick of myself for ordering the same nuta and bitter vegetables and raw fish and finishing with fried food and hot sake, along comes a place with creative food, killer atmosphere, good saki, and great prices, […]