I wandered over to UrbaneNet, that most civilized of buildings, after finishing my meetings in Yaesu today. Down in the lobby I met the Preacher, who I guess never goes out for lunch, because he’s a shadow of his former self and had no idea how to walk the 5 minutes up to East-side Kanda. […]
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Shishi Uo, Kanda (すし魚)

It’s kinda dumb, right? Here I am, not working, and what do I do for lunch? I ride the charinko over to Kanda and have donburi with Todd. It’s also not that smart that I cruised up alongside a rightwing nutjob van, banged on the window and gave them the finger, but that’s what I […]
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Ajisai, Kanda (味彩)

Yooooooshta. It’s official. I have now been to all of the good sake places in Tokyo. Think you know another? Nope. Not good. This is the last one. Boo-yah! Good, I’m glad we could all agree on that. Back to work. This one has been settling in and gathering rust just above Iroha Sushi, on […]
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Devilcraft, Kanda

Devilquest!!! Nuts, I’ve been excited about writing that ever since I heard of Devilcraft from Woody several weeks ago. Now I find that Devilquest is just the Japanese name for Season of the Which, witch came out early this year in America. Well, Devilcraft’s opening has been anticipated for nearly as long, and they are […]
Cafe Rosemary, (カフェ ローズマリー)

Oh hell, it’s the fourth of July. Well, happy fourth to everyone who’s in a place where they give a damn. Here, it’s a normal day at the office, albeit one on which I could spend almost 75 minutes at lunch. Then again, I did ride to Akiba, buy a disk drive, find this place, […]
Juhachiban, Kanda (十八番)

Have you seen this picture before? I have a feeling I’ve taken it before, like the taxi driver with the red hair who squats and smokes (that picture is Nihonbashi, but I saw him outside my house one time). The lion seems to be saying “Suckazzzz! I’ve got it made in the shade!” but the […]
Ogura, Jinbocho (割烹 おぐら)

What’s uuuuuuup! I was trying to take a random picture on the street while Volleyball and I waited for the light to change, just something to say “Jimbocho is the sports-store neighborhood.” These women were pretty in-the-spirit, so I took another one with them posing better. And then got lost for 5 minutes looking for […]
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Katsugiya ramen, Kanda (かつぎや)

It’s tempting to give up sometimes. These guys went to Katsugiya just after it opened and did a much more complete job of writing it up than I ever would. On the other hand, I bet most of you can’t read that crap. I sure can’t! Anyway, I had a different dish. So here goes. […]
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Shi ramen, Kanda (波 シー)

Remember a day or two ago I was saying I wanted to knock off the ramen places on this street? There’s one more after Shi, but I can say with 20/20 foresight that I’ll hit it in a day or two. I can also say that Shi is the best place on the street. Nifty, […]
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Honda ramen, Kanda (ほん田)

Ohhhh, the heat is hitting us now. The plan of going to America for the main two weeks of rainy season worked a treat, as it’s only rained a little since we came back. On the other hand, it’s consistently 90 degrees (32) and that makes pounding the blacktop up to Awajicho to polish off […]