How did this excape notice? I mean, it certainly didn’t excape my notice as a chocolate destination. I used to stop in of an afternoon when I was bored at work in the UrbanNet building around the corner, or after a rousing lunch under the railroad tracks. But somehow it excaped blogular detailment. Debailleul occupies […]
Mus-mus, Marunouchi

As you may have heard, I tend to go to a new restaurant for lunch every day. Working in the greater Otemachi area allows an incredible range of choice – for example the Shin Marunouchi Building is 5 minutes walk but has 45 dining options. I haven’t exhausted them all, especially the ones up on […]
Chinju, Marunouchi (大志満 椿壽)
Just got back from another business lunch at an area hotspot. I say that to be clever and ironic, because one doesn’t have business lunches in hotspots. And Japan’s definition of hotspot is maybe a little different. A little cooler. And less spotty. Spotless even. Compared to last week’s business lunch, this was cheaper, fresher, […]
Il Ghiottone, Marunouchi
Let’s not call it a grudge match, but I’ve had an animus against Il Ghittone ever since I went there for lunch one time years and years ago (in the scale of my life; that means early 2005, I think). But plenty of people like it, and some love it, so I was pretty excited […]
Tonpu, Marunouchi (とん風)
18 months into the game, there are still plenty of restaurants to try out there, and this day featured a mixed cast of characters including Koala, Ponkan and Zoner; rare to see them all together, eh? This is one of the ones on the 5th floor of Shin Maru that just never quite appealed enough […]
Ishizuki, Marunouchi (石月)
Lookee, an old-fashioned review with no pictures! And not even a clever concept! Skip if you want, save us both some trouble. This place is on the 5th floor of Shin Maru, which means I should have hit it years ago (well, year ago at least. It’s already 18 months of eating lunch around here.). […]
Viron, Marunouchi

Viron probably holds the title of ‘most visited restaurant in Tokyo’ for me. Weird, isn’t it? You can tell how much I like it because, when I started this blog, before I started writing about the restaurants that I was visiting, I wrote about a few things that were lodged in my memory, and Viron […]
WW, Marunouchi
Funny, I knew I’d been to WW before (World Wine, the bar side of Luke Mangan’s Salt branch (saltfork?) in Shin Maru) and had to go back to make sure I didn’t post it. Turns out it was all the way back in January 09, years ago, when I met the Curmudgeonly Old Bastard for […]
Barbara Marketplace, Marunouchi
No kidding, that’s what they call it. I asked them to consider changing the name to Barbara Martieplace, but they didn’t seem to get the joke (and neither will any readers, except 3 by my count). Y’know though, this was a really nice lunch! I’d even think about it for an after-work sorta dinner. Their theme is ‘A […]
Goutte d’Or Crattini

On a day as crappy as this, where I labored under a deadline until lunch time (self-imposed, but if we can’t manufacture our own urgency, who can?) and stepped out to find gray everwhere, there was only one solution. Pasta. I thought about a few places I’ve been to before, but ultimately decided to wander […]