Yeah, the amazing ten-don place was full again, and had 10 people in line again. With a small but heavy sigh, I walked around the neighborhood and settled on one of the other places I hadn’t been to. Nagasaki food isn’t so famous, is it? The only thing that springs to mind is the ‘junk […]
Azuma An soba, Mashiko (お食事処 あづま庵, 栃木県 益子町)

Oh hey, are you still there? You wouldn’t believe the drop-off in visitations that this blog suffered after the whole ‘earthquake’ ‘sunmi’ ‘ radiation’ thing. It’s almost like all the foreigners left Japan and no one wanted to vacation here. Well, you’re in good company – others are coming back too. Thanks. But Golden Week […]
- Kanda
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Tsukesoba Aduchi, Kanda (つけ蕎麦安土)

Walking to work this morning I was reflecting on the near-miss of almost living in Kayabacho Tower when I moved to Japan 7 years ago. Never a big fan of moving, I’ve been in the same apartment in Mon-naka since I got here. And I still think Kayabacho would be a lousy place to live, […]
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Kyokin soba, Morishita (手打そば 京金)

Years it’s been that I’ve been jogging by this soba place on Kiyosumi Dori thinking it looked good. I mean, it was there long before me – over 100 already, while I’ve only put in 7 – but it still looks good. Somehow I neglected a picture of the outside, which is much the best […]
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Amane soba, Kanda (蕎麦 周)

I’m always going on about Kanda like you should know it, but most people don’t have much experience with it. At least most people in my experience. It’s this kind of neighborhood – 6-7 story buildings that are mainly offices for small companies. I like to think that this is the heart of Edo, updated […]
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Kawamura soba, Yanaka (川むら)

You wouldn’t believe what you can get done in a lunch hour if you work in Otemachi. Granted, no one’s checking my arrival times, so it’s OK to run over a few minutes when you need to get something done like today’s shopping trip. But if I told you I went to Tokyo station, took the […]
- Kanda
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Gochiso, Kanda (ご馳走)

Hunh, I’ve never seen the traditional meal closing ‘gochiso’ (‘treats’, as in ‘that sure was a treat!’) written in kanji. Now I have. Pity the food isn’t much of a treat, more a middling way to spend lunch hour. Unfortunately this is just down an alley by the much-beloved Bistro Marsanne (and when I say […]
- Kanda
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Menemon, Kanda (麺ヱ門 )

Street food in a restaurant? Sure, why not. Lots of places want to bring the street food of other countries to Japan. While plenty of restaurants have fried noodles on the menu, not so many specialize in it. These guys are carving a little niche for themselves, and in a pleasant way. Though I can’t […]
- Other treats
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Maruya soba, Kitami (丸屋,喜多見)

There are soba places like this all over Japan – an aging, classic building; tile or stone floor; a few knick-knacks; a mill for grinding the flour fresh. The tables and chairs are almost always dark wood, and almost always uncomfortable (perhaps they’re just built for slimmer buttocks than mine). And they’re usually good. If […]
Ishizuki, Marunouchi (石月)
Lookee, an old-fashioned review with no pictures! And not even a clever concept! Skip if you want, save us both some trouble. This place is on the 5th floor of Shin Maru, which means I should have hit it years ago (well, year ago at least. It’s already 18 months of eating lunch around here.). […]