Oedo, Kanda (大江戸)

Once in a while my fixation on the word ‘kappou’ gets me into trouble with a place that’s more expensive than I’d like it to be. On the other hand, eel is an inherently expensive item (whoulda thought?), so putting the two together isn’t a recipe for success, cost performance-wise. This place has nice atmosphere […]

Kametomi, Kanda (亀とみ)

Eel in the sky keeps on turningI don’t know where I’ll be tomorrow – Fleishman, Schon, Valery The Kanda Eel Showdown kicks off today with a pleasant, middle-of-the-road choice. Were I to be a completist about lunch destinations (heavens!), I’d point out that this place occupies a little sliver of real estate right between Sunaba […]