Juban, damn your branded hide. The last time I was this disappointed in a well-hyped restaurant was at Piatto Suzuki, just around the corner from Aile Blanche. In this case I at least had Tabelog on my side, saying AB is 25th best out of Tokyo’s 1700 French restaurants, but for once even the rating […]
Azabu Juban
Wine and Grill Kazusa, Azabu Juban

Do you like that whole ‘private dining’ thing? Kazusa is practically unlabeled, with only a high second-story sign saying the name in stylized, half-unreadable script to let you know that the nondescript building on the quiet stretch of road south of Telebi Asahi is the right one. The door doesn’t open unless you know just […]
Cafe Life, Azabu Juban

In Japan, your apartment is probably small. And that means a significant part of your social life takes place outside it. For some people, their personal life may take place outside the home as well – your apartment is so small that you don’t feel like being there, and it’s hard to cook, so why […]
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Piatto Suzuki, Azabu Juban

Sometimes events make you question your life and the path you’ve been on. This was not one of those events. It DID, however, make me question the basis for Michelin ratings. Coming on the heels of an adequate but unenlightening Chez Tomo experience, the equally one-starred Piatto Suzuki was a pleasant and tasty but ultimately […]
- Other treats
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Isekan, Azabu Juban (伊勢貫)
This has been a long time in the making. I don’t know how many times I’ve walked by the stairs to this second-floor place…on my way into La Brace on the first floor. I’m not sure if I know anyone that’s been before either, which means that Kathy and I are brave, intrepid adventurers, as […]
Sushigin (すし銀), Roppongi (Azabu Juban)
Tokyo will surprise you every time – there’s always something hidden away, even without resorting to secluded areas or invitation-only restaurants. We went to Juban specifically looking for something new, and since the really delicious-smelling giraffe curry place is takeout only, we had to keep looking. Much faffing around with French and Italian places later, […]
- French
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Les Enfants Terrible, Azabu Juban
Update: August 11: Recently heard and then saw that this place is gone. Sorry I’ve been so tardy to update. _____________________________________ Update: November 08: Salad Nicoise, small and disappointing compared to Lyonnaise (I really think they accidentally gave me full-size the first time). Pan-fried fish, something tai-ish, excellent, served in skillet with vegetables (definitely their […]
- Other treats
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California Grill Yoshi, Roppongi (Azabu Juban)
Is this a trend? Recently we had lunch at Suji’s, now it’s another American-style place? I liked this better for atmosphere and cost reasons (I can’t help it, I’m just a sucker for similar food at 50% of the price), and it didn’t hurt that today’s weather is beautiful instead of pissing rain. Yoshi hides […]
La Brace, Roppongi (Azabu-Juban)
This place should have a nickname in my team, but it doesn’t. We have ‘The Oyaji Place’, ‘The Duck Place’, ‘The Weird Chinese Place’, ‘The Too Much Food Place’, etc. For a while Burdigala was ‘The Good Value Italian Place’, but that was mainly because of the bread (which changed, along with the increased price […]
La Cometa, Azabu Juban
La Cometa, 2nd-floor Italian gustatory haven of no little repute…wait,that’s a different place. This one is slightly hidden on the secondfloor of a building near Azabu-juban crossing, up a curving staircase.Next to the door there’s a huge and confronting poster of an Italianpig, which should be a very good sign. But…Having now been 2 times […]