The style and food at the now-departed Les Enfants Terrible in Juban were both good; didn’t you always wonder what the main shop was like? Wonder no longer. It’s s stylish place, pitched a bit to appeal to stylish women, but with food good enough to keep anyone happy. And terrines. The point here is […]
- bar
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Bar Martha, Ebisu

There’s a whole genre of ‘music bars’ in Tokyo. The basic thing is the sound system, and then they’ll play a certain genre of music. In the case of Martha, located on a small but exciting street on the southeast side of Ebisu, the stereo is massive and old-fashioned. In this picture you can see […]
- bistro
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Aila, Ebisu (アイラ 恵比寿店)

Aila is a French Colonial restaurant. Or so they say. You say ‘French Colonial’, I think ‘Le Colonial’, and I like that atmosphere. (Of course, if you say ‘black’, I say ‘white’, and if you say ‘bark’, I say ‘bite’.) The exterior here is very much ‘converted house’, with ivy and discrete lighting (or ‘le lighting […]
Blacows, Ebisu

Arrrr, beef, blah blah blah. Grade A5 wagyu, yadda yadda. Was it really worth trucking out to Ebisu after work to meet Roofie and have a burger? It’s actually closer than I always think, so it was pretty good value, time-wise. In addition to the animals being served at Blacows, the other wildlife in Ebisu is […]
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Ippou, Ebisu (一歩)

Boy do the hits keep on coming. Coming a little too fast, but we have to soldier on in the name of fun, sociability, and education. Ippou is in a small street on the east side of Ebisu; depending on your proclivities, you may know it as the street also containing Aotea Rangi, the New […]
Kyushu Otokomichi, Ebisu (九州男道)

Chain izakayas. Do you think I hate them? I don’t. They fill a niche, and are fun, and the food is never bad even if it’s never surprising or exciting or different. Not liking chain izakayas is, I think, unnecessary snobbery. Despite the funny name (Kyushu Men’s Street?), you can sorta tell from the slickness […]
Mangrove, Ebisu
Mangrove is like a funny corner of Bali stuck around the back of Garden Place (near Wansu, if that helps; it’s a cool little corner, and I think there are a bunch of other explorable places). On the day it was cold and rainy, so it was nice to get in and sit by the […]
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Brown Jug, Ebisu
Should you be walking back to the station in Ebisu, you may well stumble across all manner of interesting places. And should it be raining, you may well want to stop in one of them. Be careful not to miss the last train, OK? It’s not fun. The Brown Jug is basically a whiskey bar […]
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Della Collina, Ebisu
Della Collina comes to us via a recommendation from Ponkan, who went there for a work dinner (nice job pulling that one off!). It’s a nice modern Italian place, with ambience and service that will appeal to people with certain quality expectations, and nice food at decent prices. One mildly unfortunate point is that you […]
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Medusa, Ebisu

‘Sparkly’ was the order of the day, and that means ‘dining bar’ to me. This place practically jumped off the map, being almost new and also right behind Ebisu’s west exit. The atmosphere was all that, and oddly enough, the food was quite good. As with most big dining bars, there are quite a few […]