There we were, up in Oshiage to go up the Sky Tree for the first time. I’ve always avoided that stuff, it seems like a lot of waiting and paying to look out some windows, but I do love high-floor views, and how can you not go to the Sky Tree at least once? For […]
- coffee
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Blue Bottle Coffee, Kiyosumi

We only go to the coolest places. Bringing up Catfish and Mrs P. right, as coffee snobs. Not that we are, but I like to take someone to surprising places. And since we were staying in Monnaka, and I keep hearing how hip it’s getting north of there, I thought we should check it out. […]
Tatsuta Saryo, Center Minami (立田野茶寮 サウスウッド店)

We like nothing better than a snack between meals. Expecially when both kids are asleep and it feels like a little date, except that there’s a tank-sized stroller with a sleeping toddler next to one of us, and the other one has a sleeping baby physically strapped to their chest. But who doesn’t like ‘matcha […]
- Italian
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l’Asse, Meguro (レストラン・ラッセ)

I approach this review in a quiet residential neighborhood with some trepidation. What’s on tap for lunch today? A HUMMER? Are you sure? What’s it like? Oh, it’s LIKE NOTHING ELSE. Well, I can get behind that. Wait, what the heck IS this place? It is indeed, truly, verily, a ‘House of Tail’. Without further […]
- coffee
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Onibus Coffee, Nakameguro

Let me just start by saying “Cheese and Rice, some people are serious about this stuff. Eric has far more to say than I ever could.” I mean, I was just wandering around after ramen and saw a coffee place and had a quick iced coffee and chat with the staff. What a cool place, […]
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Requinquer, Shiroganedai

Romance is not dead. Merely slumbering. It awakens every few years. Like cicadas. With a fortuitous alignment of stars and moon this month, Big Bird and I are both in Tokyo and had a few weeks to awaken the ‘romantic Thursday Lunch‘ tradition we established in 2011. Requinquer is pretty well-known and highly-regarded, so it’s […]
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Anis, Hatsudai (アニス)

We have to pick our lunch spots carefully these days – where can we run out to for a glamorous lunch and be back before Peanut wakes up from his nap? I kid, I kid, but we do have to pick, because he can’t stay home for that long. I thought Anis was near Yoyogi, which […]
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Quinto Canto, Osaka (クイントカント)

Any lunch that starts this way has got to be pretty good, right? No, seriously, I went to Osaka for the first time ever, and since someone else was paying the fare, I felt it left me plenty of room financially to act like a big shot. I worked the inter-pipes and came up with […]
l’Auberge de L’Ill, Nishi Azabu (オーベルジュ・ド・リル トーキョー)

You can’t go wrong with this as an introduction. You’re walking down a perfectly normal, maybe even a little grubby, street in Nishi Azabu after getting off the train at the quiet end of Nogizaka and walking through the tunnel by the museum, and suddenly you see something that looks a British aristocrat’s house. This […]
Debailleul Chocolates, Marunouchi

How did this excape notice? I mean, it certainly didn’t excape my notice as a chocolate destination. I used to stop in of an afternoon when I was bored at work in the UrbanNet building around the corner, or after a rousing lunch under the railroad tracks. But somehow it excaped blogular detailment. Debailleul occupies […]