Yaaaaaaa-kumooooooo Yaaaaaaa-kumooooooo! OK, that’s out of the way. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to find a video of a sweet potato truck playing the traditional song, without a white guy on the front babbling for 2 minutes about he’s exposing the soul of Japan. Even that video kinda sucks, so you knead to […]
Ikejiri Ohashi
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Kan, Ikejiri Ohashi (カン 池尻大橋)

Ehhhhhh, Big Bird and I were all set to lovelovelove this place. Somehow it seemed too easy, too predictable, not good enough, and ultimately boring. Oh, and expensive. I may have grown to prefer the thrill of discovery, with my ridiculous run of good-to-amazing places over the last two weeks setting way too high a […]
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, Ikejiri Ohashi

Stop me if you’ve read this one before. Several years ago I saw a post by a foreign visitor that talked about a restaurant he’d visitied and how aMAZing it was. But, he said, the owner’s wife had asked him not to blog about it. Too secret. Too great. So he just posted a picture of […]