This place is right next to one of Tokyo’s best ramen shops, Bigakuya…and it routinely has much longer lines. Why’s that? And what’s a ‘tanmen’ anyway? I went around 2:30 to find out. Ohhh, that’s why there are long lines. It’s Jiro-style ramen. People love that stuff these days, don’t they? No-frills, low prices, massive […]
- coffee
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Midori no Mame, Toyocho (緑の豆)

It’s such a pleasure to be wandering around my neighborhood during business hours on a weekday (this was the day I renewed my driver’s license, so I had the whole afternoon off). Usually it’s a weekend, which doesn’t feel the same, or it’s 6 in the morning and I’m running or cycling or something. All […]
- Other treats
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Gomentei ramen, Toyocho (御めん亭)

Several times in the past I’ve mocked the idea of ‘tough housing projects’ in eastern Tokyo. I haven’t gotten any comments telling me I was wrong (and once in a while I see the monthly crime reports on the local public access channel, and there’s nothing there), so I’ll continue with that. Unfortunately I’ve just […]
- Other treats
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Bigakuya, Toyocho (美学屋)

There’s no question that Tabelog is the single greatest resource for Tokyo eaters. It’s a terrific example of crowdsourcing gone right, far from a regular occurence. There are only a few shortcomings that I’ve found over time. One is that popularity is self-perpetuating; the scores of the top places tend to get pushed up over […]
Dai-ichi Benten Yu, Toyocho (第一弁天湯)
Really, I don’t look for more crap to write about. And I don’t miss 2009 on those lugubrious days when I revisit a place for lunch and don’t have to write about it. But I felt like I should post this off-topic bit since it’s a nice slice of downtown Tokyo, which I hope you’ve […]