Ojori, Tokyo

Me – Korean food – confusion. Seriously, what is great Korean food? What would it entail? A subtle blend of herbs and spices? The highest quality produce? An ass-load of pepper? I have a bad feeling that if great Korean food came right up to me and seared my tongue off, I probably wouldn’t know it. (That said, I did really like the food at Wansu, and didn’t at all like the food at Bomu.) 

So this might be some good Korean food. Certainly the presentation and toppings on my Ishiyaki Takana Pibinba (sic) were more refined-looking than the usual. The takana, which is sort of like kale, and in this case is served pickled, chopped, and mixed with a lots of spices, looked especially good. The carrot was carrot. The kimchi was kimchi. The raw egg was itself. The bowl was not as blisteringly hot as it often is, so the rice didn’t burn on the bottom as much as I normally like. And the surroundings are quite good in their own way. So you can’t go wrong if you go here, but I’m really not in a position to tell you you’re going significantly right. Sorry about that.

Seared tongue? Ass-load? C’mon, I can do better than that.