Bistro Ishikawatei, Nihonbashi (ビストロ石川亭)

As usual, I hope you’ll forgive me for double-posting on this, but since Ishikawa-tei opened this branch in the Muromachi Coredo, I figured I might as well try it. My gushing review of the original is here. I feel a little less gushy now, but the fact remains that it’s good, solid cooking and extraordinary value – especially when you learn that this newer, shinier branch is actually Y50 cheaper.

It feels, for lack of a better term, more properly bistro. Reminded me a bit of the redecoration at Le Pre Verre, where they got rid of the modern, fun decor in favor of some boring ‘traditional bistro’ stuff because customers were confused by receiving bistro food in a room without red walls and brass fittings. Sad, that was.

No reason to cry about the menu here though; perhaps a little smaller than at the Kanda honten, but volumific all the same. This is the quiche, or perhaps they called it tortilla. Solid. Good. By the way, can someome explain to me why the Japanese pronunciation of tortilla is ‘tortija’? There’s a perfectly serviceable ‘ya’ in Japanese, so you could say it right.

Aaaaand, a large dish of hachis parmentier, sort of shepherd’s pie if you like. Again, not overly spiced or exciting, but nice and very filling. That was the mood I was in on the day, and Ishikawatei delivered.

I think that’s what they specialize in, delivery.