If you saw this while out for a Saturday drive (ominous smoke, signs warning you not to get out of the car…) you’d hardly get excited, no? The pleasant approach to Doroyu Onsen (yay, “Muddy Hot Water”, sounds great) looked like we were entering Hell Town. Get ready for a long digression. This reminded me […]
Month: December 2008
Motoyu Club, Yuzawa

Not being really in the business of reviewing onsen (nor foreign prefectures, for that matter), EOITwJ will concentrate on the food at the various Akita onsen where we just stayed, and probably just the interesting food at that. If you’ve ever been to an onsen you have a pretty good idea what to expect; variations […]
Snacks, Part 1

I’m kind of a sucker for local snacks. I know I’m a sucker because I was told there’s an expression in Japanese like “1,000 local delicacies, and none of them good”, and yet I always peruse the souvenir snack selection. On this trip, I was relatively seduced by a few things. At left is a […]
Sato Yosuke, Yuzawa (秋田県。本当。)

Sato Yosuke is a fairly good-sized chain of udon shops, with their spiritual home in the Yuzawa region – the town of Inaniwa, source of the eponymous udon (there’s also a Ginza branch, making this review genuinely relevant). Pictured at left, I kid you not, is Inaniwa Castle, though you could be forgiven if you […]
Tucano’s, Shibuya (Shi-Boo-Yah!)

I was asked several times during this end-of-an-era team dinner if I was going to remember everything the next day. And I remember now exactly what I said I was going to remember when asked: MEAT. That’s not very original, but we don’t claim or strive to be original every day, folks. It’s not original […]
Tatsumi, Monzennakacho (竜味、辰巳新道)

My friends, I believe this to be the first review of this establishment since the world began. Or at least in the 3 months since the place opened. Located near the northern end of Tatsumi Shindo (picture shamelessly lifted from another blog), the charming, slightly decrepit, and frankly fairly daunting brick alley near the Monnaka […]
- Other treats
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Roppongi: R.I.P.

Well, my friends, this was it – the Last Lunch in Roppongi. Did I feel a bit like Jesus, surrounded by my disciples? No, not a bit. This is a repeat post, but it’s also a sad and special occasion. It was decreed that our last lunch be a Burger. And it was subsequently put […]
Cogito, Roppongi
Let’s begin today’s post with a link to Terry’s review of the same establishment, to save him the trouble of posting the same… Cogito is a charming, cozy, warm and cluttered French outpost that nestles in a secluded mountain clearing across the street from the Grand Hyatt and barely 1 minute’s walk from Terry’s apartment. […]
- Other treats
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Shioya, Roppongi
In the basement of this building you’ll find the famous grilled-pork specialist Tontokoton. Upstairs there’s a very dignified-looking sushi place, and a very un-dignified-looking Okinawa place specializing in salt-grilling. We went the undignified route! Not a lot of options at lunch – today there was sanma (I thought the season was over! O’Hara served us […]