Azuma An soba, Mashiko (お食事処 あづま庵, 栃木県 益子町)

Oh hey, are you still there? You wouldn’t believe the drop-off in visitations that this blog suffered after the whole ‘earthquake’ ‘sunmi’ ‘ radiation’ thing. It’s almost like all the foreigners left Japan and no one wanted to vacation here. Well, you’re in good company – others are coming back too. Thanks. But Golden Week […]

This way to…

Wherein someone and I explore the delights of: Raw oysters. Fried oysters. Oyster ramen. Oyster curry. And that’s just the first meal. Pine trees. On islands. The $7 slice of cow tongue. Sweet mashed soybeans – because all those red-bean desserts just weren’t savory enough. Bathing outside in a blizzard. All in all, a great […]