That’s right folks, 2 days in a row both see EOITwJ visiting the same Kanda street for Euro-food. This time it’s the highly-recommended Belgian outlet Champs de Soleil (but his friends call him ‘Champ’). Widely known among the underground, this is firmly on the list of ‘places to leave the office at 11:30 for’. After […]
Month: March 2009
- Italian
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Trattoria Birichino, Kanda
My friends, I know I’ve maligned Kanda in the past. But today the sun is shining, the sky is clear, the weather is warm, and even the salarymen look a little less gray. With no intended sarcasm, it’s nice to be alive, employed in Tokyo and able to walk to Kanda for a late lunch. […]
Provinage, Roppongi

While Provinage is a repeat visit for EOITwJ, I’d like to reassure any worried readers that we have not abandoned our borderline-pathological focus on eating somewhere new at every opportunity. It’s just that Provinage is so pleasant, as is the opportunity to have a special event like the first ‘Eating Out In Tokyo’ dinner. I […]
- Otemachi
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Imonokura, Otemachi (芋の蔵、オアゾ6階)
The quest continues, my friends. As we enter the third week of March, marking more or less 10 weeks of Otemachi, we are proud and a little embarassed to report that EOITwJ has not, in fact, EO at the same Otemachi dining outlet twice. Unless you count the desk-lunch bento from Bamboo, but we don’t […]
- French
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Rabelais, Ebisu

I have a feeling people go to Rabelais for one pretty good reason – you can take your dog. The excitable fellow on the left was next to me all night and kept nipping at my heels. He wasn’t noisy, but he was quite agitated, especially when faced with a camera! The whole restaurant is […]
- Ginza
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Enoteca Pinchiorri, Ginza

We all have our maxims for life (whether we realize it or not, I think). Let’s not talk just now about what mine are, but my good friend Greg told me last year that one of his is ‘you get what you pay for’. This will make sense presently. Enoteca Pinchiorri is one of the […]
Eataly, Daikanyama
Daikanyama’s not a secret, right, but it’s kinda mysterious to me. The area around the station is wicked confusing. I always get lost. Ok, it’s only my third time.A genuine food note: there’s a place here called Eataly that’s evidently a branch of an italian supermarket. I thought I’d stop in and pick up some […]
Wansu, Ebisu
Well, Korean food is not one of my specialties, but this makes two Fridays in a row that EOITwJ has gotten all jiggy with the togarashi. This week’s event, organized by Shaft, was much more Korean than Karaya last week, which was a good (but not better) thing. The atmosphere and menu are too different […]
- beer
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Drunk Bears, Otemachi
Not quite sure what to say about Drunk Bears. First, you’re not misreading and I’m not mistyping – the name is Drunk Bears. It’s situated about halfway along the Otemachi Building, but at ground level rather than in the pack-em-in basement concourse. This means that for today’s lunch it wasn’t even full – somehow people […]
Ikkon Buta, Kanda (一献豚、神田洞門)
Hitsumabushi is a unique dish of eel that’s famous in Nagoya (along with miso katsu!). ‘Famous in Nagoya’ is actually enough of a tipoff in my book that it’s not good, because (I’m prepared for backlash here) there’s really nothing interesting in Nagoya (please prove me wrong. I’ll visit any time.). The point of the […]