Funny, I knew I’d been to WW before (World Wine, the bar side of Luke Mangan’s Salt branch (saltfork?) in Shin Maru) and had to go back to make sure I didn’t post it. Turns out it was all the way back in January 09, years ago, when I met the Curmudgeonly Old Bastard for […]
Month: May 2010
- Kanda
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Sushi Dining Tatsu (辰)

With a bunch of critical meetings keeping important people busy or out of the office, plus temperatures nudging the high 70’s and clear skies, today was the ideal occasion for a long lunch. And long it was. I corralled Ponkan into visiting my favorite new neighborhood, the little corner of northerly Kanda with Mimasuya and Hanakago […]
Nana’s Green Tea, Ochanomizu

This looked nice when Seat visited, so I wanted to try it. One after while at the guitar stores seemed like the right time to go, and go I did. Being already after lunch, there wasn’t so much I could do about the menu, which stretches from plate lunches through tea drinks and desserty options. […]
Sushi Isshin, Asakusa (鮨一新)

Had to work today, afternoon meeting plus some cleanup that finished around 5:30. After that, went up to Asakusa and discovered that it was Sanja Matsuri on the day, one of old Edo’s big 3 festivals. Another of them is Monzen Nakacho’s Hachiman Matsuri, which is so f-in awesome that it’s only held every 3 […]
- French
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Les Tonneaux, Hatchobori

More hot Friday-night Fowl-On-Fowl action, wherein we visited the restaurant of Peacock’s colleague’s husband, and it turned out to be a cool neighborhoody spot. And when I say ‘neighborhood’, I mean, like, y’know, from the block, because inadvertently or not, they’ve done a great job of creating a downtown New York vibe. It’s the exposed […]
Ginakakuji Masutani Ramen, Nihonbashi (銀閣寺ますたに)

That’s a hell of a fancy name for a ramen shop, isn’t it? Then again, I’ve been writing ‘hell’ a lot recently, as well as eating too much ramen, so who the hell am I to complain about their ramename? This seems to be an older-school sort of fatty ramen (and there really is a […]
- izakaya
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Hanakago, Kanda (花かご)

So I was leaving work, and it had been a funny up-and-down day, and I thought ‘What the hey, I’m going to Kanda to relax.’ There was a place that I had seen just down the street from Mimasuya – tiny, shabby, really small, and not all that well-preserved, but on the bamboo screens outside […]
- Kanda
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Isono ramen, Kanda (磯野、淡路町)

Weather like this, I want to persist forever. Even better, the feeling of leaving the office, getting on my daft light-blue mama-style bike with basket and bell, and flowing along downtown Tokyo streets…relaxing on the worst of days, magic on a day like this when the air is clear and a little cool and the […]
- Italian
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Trattoria Kantini, Kanda

There’s a series in the New York Times at the moment called ‘What You Get For…‘ The amount changes, but they always show you a house somewhere. At the moment there’s a $300k house in San Antonio that’s over 100 years old but completely remodeled. It’s also close to a entertainment area, if the article […]
Barbara Marketplace, Marunouchi
No kidding, that’s what they call it. I asked them to consider changing the name to Barbara Martieplace, but they didn’t seem to get the joke (and neither will any readers, except 3 by my count). Y’know though, this was a really nice lunch! I’d even think about it for an after-work sorta dinner. Their theme is ‘A […]