Folks, there’s a whole world out there in Tokyo dining. Get out there and check it out, OK? I’m just pensive about it today because I’m getting near 1000 blog posts but have barely scratched the surface. The surface scratching for today was supposed to be this little bistro that I walked past last week, […]
Month: August 2010
Sakaiya Food Hall, Hikifune (サカイ食堂,曳舟)

Hoodwinked, cruelly tricked, and disgusted. And maybe a little proud. If you’re a foreigner, and you like to say “I can eat anything”, there’s one hurdle that may be too far, and you may just have to be pressured into hurdling that hurdle with cheap booze and fast conversation. Unfortunately, all that’s on the other […]
- Other treats
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Maruya soba, Kitami (丸屋,喜多見)

There are soba places like this all over Japan – an aging, classic building; tile or stone floor; a few knick-knacks; a mill for grinding the flour fresh. The tables and chairs are almost always dark wood, and almost always uncomfortable (perhaps they’re just built for slimmer buttocks than mine). And they’re usually good. If […]
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Za Sakana, Kitami (座酒菜,喜多見)

The night was young and so were we…well, at least one of us. But after not getting much food to speak of at Hanya, another destination was clearly indicated for all and sundry. For a small station, Kitami has a goodly number of likely spots – maybe something about the clean country air inspires good […]
- izakaya
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Hanya, Kitami (はん家,喜多見)

A funny thing about Tokyo – doesn’t matter where you are, no matter how small the station or how little you’ve previously known about it. There’s always a good chance that somebody has opened up their dream restaurant there, be it an izakaya, bistro, trattoria or food truck. But usually it’s an izakaya. Hanya occupies […]
- Other treats
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69 ‘n’ Roll One ramen, Machida

This place was mentioned on Ramen Adventures, and since we were already planning to poke around Machida for a few hours, it seemed like a good idea. It also seemed like it was easy enough to find from the station, so I didn’t memorize the directions or bring a map. Don’t make that mistake, unless […]
- Other treats
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Hope Ramen, Morishita (ホープ麺店)

I think it’s basically this year that I’ve been actively into ramen, though I see in consulting the archives that as recently as April I was still trying to bullshit and say I wasn’t that into ramen…bullshit. Since I’ve gotten into it, and explored a few traditional-style places like Bigakuya and Isono, I’ve had a […]
Umejin, Kiyosumi Shirakawa (梅仁)

Mmmmmm, rollin’ around on a Friday night, after the sun goes down and after practicing guitar for an hour. Nothing particular in mind, but I took a book, so I was ready to settle in and read. After 20 or 30 minutes of aimless cycling, I passed Umejin, and remembered that it had looked sorta […]
Merveille, Nihonbashi

I left the office for lunch in a light and positive mood today. The weather has cooled by at least a few degrees, my June farewell lunch with Volleyball turned out to be only penultimate when found a few minutes in his busy schedule today…and since he was in Nihonbashi it occurred to me that I should […]
Dobro, Kyobashi

First off, Dad, don’t get all excited. This has nothing to do with resonator guitars, except in the most glancing way. You’ll remember, I’m sure, that the Dopyera brothers were from Slovakia? And ‘dobro’ means ‘good’ in their quaint native tongue, or else it’s just a contraction of ‘DOpyera BROthers’? Well, this is a Croatian […]