I went to New York on this trip with two goals (outside the whole ‘complete a major presentation for work’ thing, which is peripheral to eating, wouldn’t you agree?): the first was to visit the Dream House. I failed. The second was to eat desserts sprung from the mind of Shuna Lydon. I succeeded, and […]
Month: January 2011
SouthWest NY
Noted Southwestern cooking experts Abraham Merchant and Richard Cohn promulgated this restaurant in the bottom of World Financial Center. It’s like all the restaurants in the building – good in the pictures, but sorta brash and lacking charm in person. When it’s busy at lunch, it’s pretty tiring. I should know – I went twice, on […]
- French
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Caudalie, Yushima

If they want to convert the bottom floor of their modern, rebuilt Yushima house into a 1-room French restaurant with good style and serve decent food at reasonable prices, more power to ’em. That’s what I say. I saw Caudalie a year or more back while on a bike cruise around Yanesen; it’s taken this […]
Magoroku, Monzennakacho (深川 孫六)

This was very pleasing. Very very pleasing – brilliant yakitori plus game meat and jizake. How did I manage to go this long without trying it? Mainly it was my unreasonable anti-chicken bias. I’m recently converted, and now there are several more chicken places I should hit around town. You can keep your everything-but-the-cluck Birdland […]
- Kanda
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Touran ramen, Kanda (桃蘭)

It’s an ill-advised wind, my friends, one that blows in from Kanda. It blows you down little alleys like this and into shops that aren’t likely to be very good. There’s a certain romance to seeking out hidden gems, but this is Tokyo. Depending on your reckoning there are 9 to 50 million people, and […]
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Cafe BRiO, Kanda (カフェ ブリオ)

Broken record, all this stuff about how I look at places and never go to them. Here’s another one. I’ll spare you. Pretty sure I got a takeout coffee here with Koala one time, but never wrote it up. It’s right out in the open – you almost can’t go to west-side Kanda without going […]
- Kanda
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Pure Yakiniku, Kanda (焼肉 ぴゅあ)

Right across the street from Eiki sushi, this gets the same distinction – one of the most-walked-by places I’ve never visited. That all changed for the better today when Todd and Tucker were the guinea pigs for yet another expedition to Kanda and a new place. Not that we ate guinea pigs. It’s all meat […]
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Rio, Kanda

Aaaaah, how many times have I written this review? “Average quality European-influenced owner-chef-style restaurant where too much Japanese influence has crept in over time and standards have crept down.” Too bad, because the door looks nice. This is exactly the kind of place my team would go for a work dinner. Looking at the food […]
Momosaku, Asakusa (百作)

After dinner at the very tasty and historic Otafuku, it was time to stroll around Asakusa. For those young readers just learning about the Rolling Stones and Beatles, this little shop seems to be inspired by the Midnight Rambler and Piggies. But it has nothing to do with Pink Floyd, which you’re not old enough […]
Izumiya no Kura, Kanda (神田和泉屋乃坐)

Well, I went to yet another incredible guitar store in Ochanu after work. And after that, I walked around a little. I successfully resisted the urge to visit the mighty Takaban, but when I walked down a tiny alley and saw this place, with not even much of a sign, and that name.. The paper lantern […]