I left Peels today with a mission, or more specifically two recommended dessert-focused shops to try. Since I had already skipped work to try to meet Shuna, I figured what the hey and started walking to her two recs. The first was farther over in the East Village – home of various movie/TV shoots like this one, […]
Month: February 2011
2 West, New York

If Print. was the hotel restaurant that breaks the rule by not being average (and of course by not being associated with the hotel in any way except co-location), 2 West at the Ritz Carlton in Battery Park was another data point on the trendline. Nothing wrong in particular, just that the food was bulky […]
Nolita House, New York

I’m sure you’ve noticed that I like me a little bluegrass music. I come by that honestly since Dad (not his real name) liked it before me. When I managed to convince him and Mom (not her real name) to come up to New York for a visit during my business trip, it seemed like […]
Print., New York

Thank goodness I can say with a clear conscience that Print. is a great restaurant. Cuz works there (except on this, her night off, when she squired Mom and Dad and me), and they gave us all manner of compage, but I’d be happy going here any time. It’s in Hells Kitsch, which may make […]
Rudy’s Music Stop, New York

Per usual policy, a quick note on a music store. No time to get to Mandolin Brothers on this trip, more’s the pity, but while we were leaving the SOLOMON museum, Dad was kind enough to ask the front desk to google-map some music stores for us. They came up with Music Row, which, if […]
Island, New York

Island is all about proximity. We ended up there because it’s proximate to the famous SOLOMON museum, seen here in an arty shot. Further, we ended up at Island because it’s right next to the famous brunch spot Sarabeth’s. I believe this is the same branch I visited with Mayu and OJ years ago; it […]
Pan American, New York

Another night, another temporary departure from the office for dinner with a friend (tonight: Wolf) before returning to work until 2. Fortunately I did a touch of research in advance and this place turned out well. Wolf, I promise I didn’t see the review from Ashton B. on Yelp who says this place ‘oozes sex’. […]
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La Ripaille, New York

Going to New York, I wanted to eat in all the little New American places I always read about. I failed pretty comprehensively in that. In the case of La Rippaile, I was at least please to confirm that that type of French bistro that so irritates me in Tokyo, the one where the chef […]
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DBGB, New York

Let me disclose up front that in college I used to ride bikes with Chef Chiggen Legs; as a result, Cuz and I got some special treatment here. Like “we’ll just triple the number of plates you ordered” kinda special. Your mileage will vary. My last post contained a good deal of disgruntlage about the […]
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Bowery Hotel Bar, New York

This picture is super-sized only so you can get a tiny semblance of scanability out of it. In fact, most of the dinner pictures I took in New York are plagued by darkness. The Bowery Hotel has presumably been updated and reopened in the last couple years [note: no research whatsoever] because it’s incredibly dark, […]