Confession time. I took Friday afternoon off. Because I could. And the early Spring perfect weather made it perfect to cruise to Ochanu by bike, ringing the bell from time to time out of sheer happiness. Dining in Ochanu has always disappointed me, and I think I’ve pretty well been to the places that looked […]
Month: April 2011
Bouya, Nihonbashi (和牛一頭焼肉 手打冷麺 房家)

Another day of this week, another visit to Muromachi Coredo. Today, working clockwise brought us to Bou-ya (and I say ‘us’ because I was pleasantly accompanied by Ponkan). I was super-pleased to realize that this is a branch of the well-rated yakiniku-ya I wanted to try during the Hongo project, but found them closed and […]
Russia-tei, Nihonbashi (ろしあ亭)

Shock and surprise filled my mind when I figured out that this was a Russian restaurant. It’s a branch of a place in Jimbocho, but who looks for Russian restaurants? Russians, I suppose. Incidentally, the only Russian I currently know in Tokyo strongly recommends this place in Shinjuku as tasting just like Mom used to […]
Nana, Nihonbashi ()

Muromachi Coredo explorations continue; for a couple days I actually went to adjacent places on the 3rd floor – gotta get to ’em all eventually, so it’s actually better not to go to all the good-looking ones first. This place is nondescript from outside, but inside a long, wooded hallway leads back to the restaurant […]
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Bistro Ishikawatei, Nihonbashi (ビストロ石川亭)

As usual, I hope you’ll forgive me for double-posting on this, but since Ishikawa-tei opened this branch in the Muromachi Coredo, I figured I might as well try it. My gushing review of the original is here. I feel a little less gushy now, but the fact remains that it’s good, solid cooking and extraordinary […]
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Sake no Daimasu, Asakusa (酒の大桝・本店)

Once in a while I like to mix it up, get funky, keep things fresh…unlike all those fraises. And in keeping with the unfortunate hobby I’ve been submerged in, that means bringing you a liquor shop that I think is particularly good. I go into a lot of shops – all that riding around on […]
Kushitei, Nihonbashi (串亭 日本橋三越前)

Oh look, another place in the newer Coredo building. Get used to it folks. How many have you read about so far? I think I’ve been 6 as of today. Have to be focused and completist, that’s what I always sayist. Kushitei is up on the fourth floor, which is a bit classier (like the […]
Bikini Picar, Nihonbashi (ビキニ ピカール)

Mmmmm hmmmmm, Coredo Muromachi is definitely the new project. There’s more on the way. For now, content yourself with the pleasant view of cheese and tapas at the counter of Bikini Picar, the pleasantly open and airy Spanish contender on the main restaurant floor of the building. The black-and-red decor outside is pretty enticing, as […]
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Sasashin, Ningyocho (笹新)

Right in the middle of Amazake Yokocho is Sasashin. While I’ve seen it before, I was never that clear what they do – it’s not explained that well from the outside, nor that welcoming. Actually, it’s not that welcoming inside either; very atmospheric, but a little dirty and desperate By way of illustration, here’s the […]
Bashi no Setagaya ramen, Nihonbashi (バシのせたが屋)

Setaga-ya is a pretty famous ramen shop, but not one I’d go to – it’s all the way out in Setagaya-ku after all. Thus I was excited to see they’ve opened a branch in the new Coredo building (and you’re probably thinking I’m not ‘plugged in’ to ‘the scene’ since I didn’t even know the […]