There’s a whole genre of ‘music bars’ in Tokyo. The basic thing is the sound system, and then they’ll play a certain genre of music. In the case of Martha, located on a small but exciting street on the southeast side of Ebisu, the stereo is massive and old-fashioned. In this picture you can see […]
Month: May 2011
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Tharros, Shibuya (タロス 渋谷・中目黒)

The original of this post was lost in The Great Blogger Crash of Last Week, wherein they rolled back a day-and-a-half of edits. It wasn’t that good in the first place, so little harm done. Years ago, I used to read Tokyo Calendar all the time. It’s a dangerous habit – the restaurants are mostly […]
- bistro
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Aila, Ebisu (アイラ 恵比寿店)

Aila is a French Colonial restaurant. Or so they say. You say ‘French Colonial’, I think ‘Le Colonial’, and I like that atmosphere. (Of course, if you say ‘black’, I say ‘white’, and if you say ‘bark’, I say ‘bite’.) The exterior here is very much ‘converted house’, with ivy and discrete lighting (or ‘le lighting […]
Azuma An soba, Mashiko (お食事処 あづま庵, 栃木県 益子町)

Oh hey, are you still there? You wouldn’t believe the drop-off in visitations that this blog suffered after the whole ‘earthquake’ ‘sunmi’ ‘ radiation’ thing. It’s almost like all the foreigners left Japan and no one wanted to vacation here. Well, you’re in good company – others are coming back too. Thanks. But Golden Week […]
Shukuzu, Ningyocho (酒喰洲)

For a sizable segment of the Japanese population, the definition of ‘heaven’ would be ‘cheap drinks and cheaper fish’. Quality doesn’t necessarily enter into it, and standing up is fine too. So if you can offer decent produce across the board like Shukuzu, that’s a winner. Standing isn’t really my thing, but I was here […]