I’ll just get this joke out of the way up front: “This place is surprisingly good!” Did you get that? Didja? Huh? This particular branch in Shinyuri is a funny one of the 12 in the chain because it closes earliest (10:30, not 4 AM like many of them) and it offers delivery. It also […]
Month: March 2015
Izumi, Shin Otani (いずみ)

Recently I’ve all about the stepz. 10,000 per day is supposed to be the way to continued health, if not weight loss, and while in Japan it was pretty easy to ‘meet or exceed expectations’ on that, as we say in this crazy world of ‘business’. There’s not a lot near the house, but what […]
- izakaya
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Ichie, Sangenjaya (イチエ, 三軒茶屋)

This was a great experience. And it restored my faith in humanity. Or at least my interest in finding great new places. I had a run of great luck recently and didn’t go to a bum place. Some that were maybe just OK, but nothing bad and some wonderful surprises. So it was more than […]
- izakaya
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Kan, Ikejiri Ohashi (カン 池尻大橋)

Ehhhhhh, Big Bird and I were all set to lovelovelove this place. Somehow it seemed too easy, too predictable, not good enough, and ultimately boring. Oh, and expensive. I may have grown to prefer the thrill of discovery, with my ridiculous run of good-to-amazing places over the last two weeks setting way too high a […]
- French
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Anis, Hatsudai (アニス)

We have to pick our lunch spots carefully these days – where can we run out to for a glamorous lunch and be back before Peanut wakes up from his nap? I kid, I kid, but we do have to pick, because he can’t stay home for that long. I thought Anis was near Yoyogi, which […]
R-Fritters, Shimokitazawa (アール フリッターズ)

Eating Out In Tokyo is a little more complex these days, especially on these days when both someone and peanut are along, which necessitates a bunch of baggage and a handcrafted luxury stroller. But walking around is still our favorite thing to do, and while there’s not much ‘street food’ culture in Japan, there are […]
Cafe Normale, Shimo Kitazawa (カフェ ノルマーレ)

I am hungry, and yes, yes, it is called love. It is called love in the world. Continuing on with amusing uses of foreign language, we have Cafe Normale. Amusing in this case because cafe should be masculine and get a manly adjective form, but I’m not hung up on that, because the two women […]
- Other treats
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Denmaru Ramen, Kami Asao (伝丸 新百合ヶ丘店)

I got back late, late at night from my first trip to Osaka. I mean, regular salarymen work this late every night, but when I arrive at the station at 11:10, that’s a solid day of work (lunch pictures notwithstanding). There’s an izakaya between home and the station that I’ve been itching to try, and […]
- Italian
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Quinto Canto, Osaka (クイントカント)

Any lunch that starts this way has got to be pretty good, right? No, seriously, I went to Osaka for the first time ever, and since someone else was paying the fare, I felt it left me plenty of room financially to act like a big shot. I worked the inter-pipes and came up with […]
- Other treats
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Ichi Kichi Ramen, Kami Asao (らーめん 壱吉, 川崎市麻生区上麻生)

Once in a while I like doing a long, loving post about something completely inconsequential. Today the sky was blue and the mountains were calling, and I went for walk in search of sustenance. Sort of hunter-gatherer thing, you understand. On the other side of the mountain, life is simpler. This is really like country […]