Yes, there’s nothing like a completely terrible burger in a maid cafe to give you an appetite for steak. Continuing the day’s Akiba tour, we ended up back at the big Yodobashi and wandered around the food floor before settling on this steak place (lunch only; at night, decent-looking chain izakaya). I must say, it was […]
Pinky Cafe, Akihabara

What’s a guy to do when friends come to visit? Show off Japanese culture, that’s what. For various reasons, our tour started in Akiba, and due to the slowness of the morning, it was lunch time when we got there. Pinky Cafe had maids on the street soliciting business, and I figured it was as […]
Mammoth Curry, Akihabara
Sure, I have a weakness for bright-yellow-themed curry restaurants. And I definitely have a weakness for curry when I had a long night eating tempura and then had to work the next day. So when I finished work of a Saturday and traipsed up to Akiba mid-afternoon, all that was on my mind was supplementing […]
Kanda Grill, Akihabara

Once again finding myself in Akiba (funny how that always happens…), I wandered around the Showa Dori side for quite a while looking for somewhere tasty to lunch. Seat seems to post Akiba places every week, so I thought I’d run into them…but nothing appealed, and I ended up back at the big Yodobashi and […]
Sushi Zanmai, Akihabara
I have a bit of an unnatural attachment to Sushi Zanmai, at least the Monnaka branch that I like to think of as ‘home base’. The prices are extremely low, and I like to think that the quality is very high if you order carefully. Just so’s you know, that means: scallops, salmon, chu-toro. The […]
Go-Go Curry, lots of places
I wandered into the one in Ochanomizu soon after it opened and fell in love. The curry wasn’t bad either. The quirkiness of the concept (gorillas! funny names! Y2500 signature curry!) cracked me up, and then the dark, thick curry kept me happy. I haven’t been back, but that’s more a recognition of the fact […]