Swede’s Inn, Swedesboro

Well, this is it. The whole reason I went on this trip in September instead of May was to play this show. We had been working on a CD for the prior year+, and having completed it a few months before,scheduled a rockin’ good time for ourselves at the Swede’s – 4 bands featuring various […]

Deep Tin, Kachidoki

Cubic neighborhood bar with a dash of style, good selection of whisky and rum, Guiness and Heartland on tap, Chimay in bottles, interesting conversation, Big Bird. If you lived in one of the tremendous high-rise buildings near here, what else could you ask for? ‘Not a lot’ would be the appropriate answer, I think. In […]

Country House, Akasaka

After repeated success and enjoyment at Rocky Top, and really quite serious letdown at Nashville, I’ve been gun-shy about trying more country music live venues in Tokyo. Part of the problem is that, in so many ways, my economic mentality is mired in the 90’s (or so). I think a concert ticket should cost about […]

Trees Lounge, Aoyama

While I usually refer to Aoyama Dori as a dead or at least quiet zone, there are some pretty good places hiding in plain sight. This is one of them, although you should go in with the right expectation price-wise. This being Tokyo, you probably know which end you’ll be surprised on. The main difficulty […]