As I keep saying, the heat makes me want to eat cold noodles, and I finally put into effect my standard methodology of using the googles to find some likely new venues. Searching out “Hiyashi Chuka Ranking” produced a few weird sites (there’s no hiyashichukadb yet, sadly), and one of them listed at the top […]
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456 Saikan, Yokohama (四五六菜館本館)

Yeah, yeah, another visit to Yokohama. Y’know, I’m getting to like it. This was such a great day despite the rain, and it all started at the 456 Saikan. But first, a word from our sponsor…if we’re sponsored by walking-around-taking-stealth-shots-of-people-and-cats. Now back to our regularly-scheduled programming. This was very near the last place I had […]
Hourai, Yaesu (蓬莱)

Cold Noodle Exploration Month (season?) continued today as I wandered through Yaesu looking for a likely candidate among the largish concentration of Chinese places there. Hourai was advertising their construction of cold noodle dishes (it’s the white page on the blackboard, so definitely seasonal), and I like the look too. A very pleasantly family-feeling place, […]
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Zenshutoku, Ginza (全聚徳)

When you’re in Beijing, if you say ‘Peking Duck’, everyone will tell you to go to Zenshutoku (I heard this from the waiter and at least one other source – who actually lived in Beijing – so it must be true). When you’re in Ginza, or Shinjuku, you may say Peking Duck with impunity, safe […]
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Ajibo, Kanda (味坊)
This week has been, to turn a phrase, stinking hot. Not that we would mind so much in August, but being suddenly whacked with rainy season and 30-degree+ days (that’s like 90, folks) in the same week is a bit much. I was scheduled to have lunch with You today, and all I could think leading […]
Xi’an, Kanda (西安)
Well, Ricky and I are in the same boat despite working for different companies now, and it’s nice to get together and rehash the situation. It’s even better when he throws out a great idea for a place to eat; thinking back, it seems like his good ideas are mostly Chinese. Crazy stuff though – […]
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Fukurou, Yokohama (福楼)

The Peafowl wanted to fly down and strut around Yokohama, and I figured this was as good a chance as any to disprove my previously-held notions about how boring it is while also scouting out future destinations. As one does, we flapped down on the Toyoko line, and by the time we got there our […]
Byakuran, Kanda (白蘭)
Look, You was really excited to take me to this place, and I confess there was some attraction in the utterly decrepit surroundings and very happy customers. But I didn’t really get it. My problem is simple: ankake. If you’re an American of a certain age, you may think of Chinese food as ‘gloppy’. As […]
Tengou, Otemachi (天鴻)
Sky goose? Something like that. A grand name for a little chain (12) of gyoza shops. This one is 1 floor down in the Otemachi Building (the long, narrow one), and this visit actually marks the very first time I’ve been to that floor. Usually we visit the B2 floor, which has over 20 restaurants, […]
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Good Times China Express, Otemachi
Dyn-O-Mite!!! is not something you’re going to hear said frequently around Good Times. Part of that’s because it’s in Otemachi, and there’s not a lot of English spoken there (especially by black people!). Another part of that is on account of the food is naff. I had one of those periodic cravings for ankake noodles, […]