Meeting everyone’s favorite ‘Cock is a good opportunity to explore rare neighborhoods. I mean, Kudanshita is rare for me, and he doesn’t go out to lunch. For some reason Ikaruga wasn’t doing maze-soba today, and I decided to boycott out of protest. As if all the other people in line cared. And on a back […]
Ogura, Jinbocho (割烹 おぐら)

What’s uuuuuuup! I was trying to take a random picture on the street while Volleyball and I waited for the light to change, just something to say “Jimbocho is the sports-store neighborhood.” These women were pretty in-the-spirit, so I took another one with them posing better. And then got lost for 5 minutes looking for […]
Bondy curry, Jimbocho (神保町本店)

There’s a curry-shop rating site in Japan, did you know that? Anyway, Bondy is within striking distance from the office and is conveniently 8th on the list today. (Contrasting, Manten is 7th and Ethiopia is 2nd. I didn’t like Ethiopia, but between Manten and Bondy you should find a place you like.) There’s a lot […]
Bario ramen, Ochanomizu (らーめん バリ男)

Hola pendejo. Oye como va and all that. I’d like to write a whole Spanish-themed post, but that’s about as far as I’ll get. Busy days. This place hasn’t been open for long, and I can’t help feeling they’re riding the crest of a crashing wave – surely brick-heavy, artery-clogging ramen can’t have long to […]
- Jinbocho
- ...
Fah Sai, Jimbocho

I spent the longest time looking at this ramen place called Satou on Yasukuni Dori in the heart of the Jimbocho sporting goods area – “Have I gone here yet? It looks familiar. And I don’t think it was that good.” Ahhh, the dilemmas that haunt my lunch. It turns out that the ramen place […]
Manten curry, Jimbocho (ライスカレーまんてん)

Yo, wassup man…ten. You wouldn’t think that one of Tokyo’s most famous curry places would be a dirty little storefront in a thin alley at the north end of Jimbocho. Come to think of it, you probably should expect that – the area is famous for curry, and as far as I’m concerned, the dirtier […]
Izumiya, Jimbocho (神田和泉屋)

Remember a while ago I went to this tolerable-but-expensive izakaya in a really small alley in the fun part of Jimbocho? Since I was in the area for an afternoon’s vacation, I went back to see the store. They’ve been doing it since 1936, and it kinda shows, but not in a bad way. What […]
Kinariya Ramen, Jimbocho (きなり屋)

Pretty much hopeless to try to classify ramen in Tokyo, isn’t it? Maybe even if you venture out to other famous places the ramen also defines description? Surely in Hakata there’s no confusion, and pretty much everyone has Hakata ramen? Kinariya looks nice from the outside, if by ‘nice’ you mean ‘Gonna have some thick, […]
Matoi ramen, Jimbocho (まとい)

Do you think a little thing like pouring rain is going to stop lunch from happening? nnnnnnno, it’s not. It will produce some concessions though. If you go underground, you can can get from the office to the subway without seeing sky, and then you can take the train one stop north to Awajicho, which […]
Sankoen, Jimbocho

Oopsie, on the heels of Yosuko Saikan, I accidentally ended up with my colleague Mitch in another place offering cold noodles. It was less good, but they did have lice dishes on the menu, including flied lice, so the cooked food might be better. I’ll keep this short, so here’s the deal. They give you […]