I’ve been accused before of over-posting, and commenting on a McDonald’s isn’t going to sway any opinions to the contrary. But to the contrary, you may well need to know about this. Because you can go to McDonald’s across from Yodobashi Camera in Akiba, buy a soda, go upstairs, and look out the window at […]
tourist info
Gonpachi, Azamino (権八)

OMG, we found the most incredible place! It’s aMAZEballz! Did you know they filmed Kill Bill here? But I jest. They didn’t really film Kill Bill at the Roppongi location, and when you factor in the complete lack of driving rain inside this place and the 8-person private room they allocated to our family of […]
Schönbrunn Christmas Market, Vienna

Schönbrunn Palace at dusk. Sort of a still life, with palace and tree and lights and a row of Christmas product vendors and a ton of people walking around. Not that still, really, when you think about it. But when I thought about it, I couldn’t think of much to say here. So you got […]
Azuma An soba, Mashiko (お食事処 あづま庵, 栃木県 益子町)

Oh hey, are you still there? You wouldn’t believe the drop-off in visitations that this blog suffered after the whole ‘earthquake’ ‘sunmi’ ‘ radiation’ thing. It’s almost like all the foreigners left Japan and no one wanted to vacation here. Well, you’re in good company – others are coming back too. Thanks. But Golden Week […]
Yamabukitei, Shiroishi (やまぶき亭)

Once I heard an expression in Japanese that translated as “1,000 regional specialties, none of them good.” I’ve mentioned to a lot of people since then, and no one has ever heard it before. I mention it (again) now in the hope that some will verify it. If you’re at all a regular reader here, […]
Nakasato, Matsushima (磯焼 なかさと)

We’ll start this trip with a cave, I think. Zuiganji is a nice enough temple, and really a must if you’re in Matsushima – there aren’t that many things to do other than cruise the bay. Unfortunately the harsh climate means it needs a lot of renovation, and right now it’s in one of those […]
Torinoichi, Monzennakacho (酉の市)

Friday (11/19/2010) was the second and final day of the torinoichi in Monnaka. I got an OK video of walking from my usual station exit all the way through the market. I also got some interesting information when I stopped to talk to one proprietor. I always wondered what these guys do in the ‘off […]
Enkouji, Kyoto (園光寺)

I think most travel sites aren’t very helpful, and I found an easy way to upload a few pictures per temple. Consider these a teaser to help you decide where to go. Also, they’re all on the map. Funny, I liked being here almost as much as Otagi Nenbutsuji. I know why too – there […]
Manshuin, Kyoto (曼殊院)

I think most travel sites aren’t very helpful, and I found an easy way to upload a few pictures per temple. Consider these a teaser to help you decide where to go. Also, they’re all on the map. I like to think of this as the ‘forbidden temple’. Because you can’t enter the secret areas? […]
Daikakuji, Kyoto (大覚寺)

I think most travel sites aren’t very helpful, and I found an easy way to upload a few pictures per temple. Consider these a teaser to help you decide where to go. Also, they’re all on the map. I bought a ticket for Daikakuji accidentally – I went to one temple, and it was advertising […]