From somewhere, I got the idea that Ito city would be good for a several-hour walk around on the way home from Izu. Minus the ‘several’, that statement could sorta be true, but much less so on Sundays. As usual I spent too much time obsessing over which place to visit for our obligatory fish-and-rice […]
Akatsuki, Jogasaki (暁、城ヶ崎海岸、静岡県)

Let me start off by saying that I don’t particularly want you to go here – we got a really weird last-minute deal (65% off? What were they thinking?) that made it worthwhile. If you paid full price, you’d be disappointed despite the excellent location just north of Izu Kogen, within walking distance of the […]
Mikura, Atami (海蔵、熱海)

Woo hoo, weekend away. It’s been some time, eh? Atami, at the head of the Izu penninsula, is called the ‘Monaco of Japan’. Really, my colleague tried to convince me of this. I laughed at the time, then I went there…and I still think it’s funny. Sure there are dramatic hills falling down to a […]