With all the professional work I’ve been doing on McDonald’s recently (it’s complicated), it’s interesting to visit the McDonald’s of sushi. I don’t say that lightly – Kurazushi has something like 250 stores, including 10 in the US (all California except Plano, which is good if we ever have to move to Dallas because the […]
Center Minami
Tatsuta Saryo, Center Minami (立田野茶寮 サウスウッド店)

We like nothing better than a snack between meals. Expecially when both kids are asleep and it feels like a little date, except that there’s a tank-sized stroller with a sleeping toddler next to one of us, and the other one has a sleeping baby physically strapped to their chest. But who doesn’t like ‘matcha […]
Hiroshou Hakata Tempura, Yokohama Center Minami (ひろしょう)

Hey, you’re special to me, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Just by appearing in this uncredited picture (or reading this otherwise pedestrian blog entry), you’ve done a service to humanity. So don’t think you don’t count. Everyone is special. Hiroshou is pretty special too. Who even knew there was such a thing as […]