Did I own up about this yet? I coerced Leonard into meeting me in Nashville mainly so I could try playing a $60,000 banjo. (In other news, the $100,000 mandolin on the wall above it was really awesome.) And eat a lot of barbecue. Only when I started researchin, it didn’t seem like there was […]
Bar-B-Cutie, Nashville

What’s up there, sweet cheeks? Leonard and I flew in to Nashville for a long weekend men’s trip. Nothing sordid ensued unless you count 5 meals of barbecue in 3 days as sordid. And my intestines sorta did. You know I don’t eat that much meat these days. So I got in after him due […]
Angelo’s, Fort Worth

So I was in Forth Worth for about 20 hours to have a little meeting. We got in early, visited some stores of the retailer we were meeting, and then were left with 2+ hours of dead time. My colleague, Hoor, looked at me and said “Barbecue” and we were off. It was like a […]
Winegut Mayer am Pfarrplatz, Vienna

In the summer, ‘everyone’ in Vienna goes to Heurigen, which are ‘wine taverns’ that serve new wine from their own vineyards. Of course I have no idea who actually goes to them – probably old men who want to get wasted on cheap wine, eat a lot of fatty food, and sing along to the […]
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Cafe Prückel, Vienna

Morning dawned, and we kinda slept through it. Going to sleep at a reasonable hour only to wake up at 12:30 with der jettischelaggen will do that – we got back to sleep and kept it up until 9. Then a bit of time in der gymnasium to work off the intended Topfenstreudel, and it […]
Reinthaler’s Beisl, Vienna

Thusly we kicked off a week of…wiener jokes! Sure, my cover story in suggesting a Christmas trip to Austria was ‘romantic Europe’ and ‘Krissakesmarkts’ and the like, but you know why I wanted to go to Wien – to make Wiener jokes. Not a joke is the hearty, satisfying nature of the cuisine here. You […]
Lexington Barbeque #1, Lexington, TN

People have suggested before that maybe I was too into eating, or trying new restaurants. You know who you are. Or they know who they are. Those people are straight up haterz, and haterz gonna hate. F ’em, that’s what I say. It’s all part of the game. So when I had to go down […]
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Tokudawara, Kita Senju (徳多和良)

Really, Tabelog readers? Tokyo’s 6th best izakaya is a standing place in Kita Senju? Might as well find out (especially since we went to #2, 3, 4 and 5 in the last few weeks. Some were repeats. I disagree about #1, but it’s mostly an illustration of the broadness of the category.). We rolled up […]
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Shishi Uo, Kanda (すし魚)

It’s kinda dumb, right? Here I am, not working, and what do I do for lunch? I ride the charinko over to Kanda and have donburi with Todd. It’s also not that smart that I cruised up alongside a rightwing nutjob van, banged on the window and gave them the finger, but that’s what I […]
Kushiya, Kiyosumi Shirakawa (KUSHIYA こぬた)

Thassit baby, kinjo-jiman. I don’t give a good goddam if it’s lower-class, it’s my home. We rolled around a lot on this balmy summer night, speculating on whether we would be caught in the rain. Eventually we ended up back at the original intention, where they seemed to have been saving seats for us. This […]