You’ll have noticed from all the pictures that I think walking around Tokyo and looking down little alleys is one of the funnest things in life, way more funner than, for instance, being beaten with branded leather goods. In the case of Enoshima, as you climb out of the shopping area, you’ll see all sorts […]
- izakaya
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Uohana, Enoshima (魚華)

Enoshima in August isn’t a preferred destination as far as I’m concerned – because it’s a preferred destination for so many people. Last time I went, there was a line hundreds of people long to get on the Enoden at Fujisawa (no lie – all the way from that station, across the plaza, and into […]
Kimura, Enoshima (磯料理 きむら)

With the long weekend well underway, Monday seemed like good timing for a day trip. And Enoshima has been on the list for a long time – a standard place to go, hence a somewhat glaring omission from my catalog of touristy experiences. Getting down there around lunch time, we walked on to the island […]