There are a few places in Tokyo that I believe in enough to go back to, and a very few that I feel compelled to post more than once about. Coulis is one of them. Y1800 for these four courses? Seriously? How do they stay in business? Feeding off the souls of the dead restaurants […]
- Otemachi
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Utage, Otemachi (宴)
Just got back from a business lunch at this place. I correctly diagnosed from the web site that it was not the sort of place I’d ever use my own funds to visit, but it was a bit better in practice than I expected. As a business lunch, you can’t expect to see any pictures. […]
Fukahama, Fukagawa (深はま、深川)

You know it’s not often that I double-post places – it means I really like them. I really like Fukahama. When readers Kwong and Hachi came to town (and this was not a short trip by any means) and suggested we meet, I quickly thought of Fukahama as a place that does really well at […]
Kappabashi 3 – good stores

After much pfaffing, finally we get to the real and useful segment of this series of posts. Most people, I suspect, walk to Kappabashi from Tawaramachi on the Ginza line. This is most efficient, and there are probably even signs in the station like there are in Akiba for ‘Electric Town’. [My preferred alternative is […]