Pat said it best. Walk around Japan for a while, especially quiet suburbs like the outer reaches of Jiyugaoka, and you’ll see confusing places like this. In the picture it looks like a house, as it must have been just over a year ago before becoming a bar. It wouldn’t be surprising to find the […]
- izakaya
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Shibamatsu, Midorigaoka (ドスコイ酒場 ちゃんこ芝松)

Going to meet Jimmy Dean for an early opener at a chanko place that someone suggested near his residence, I thought I’d go for a bit of walk to build hunger, exercise the legs, see some sights. Once in a while a restaurant listing pops up in Hatanodai or one of the other stations on […]
Sweets Forest, Jiyugaoka

There’s an expression that says Sugamo is “Grandma’s Harajuku” because it’s packed with stores that sell granny pants and snacks and lifestyle goods for the old woman set. I like to think Jiyugaoka is “Housewife Harajuku” for related reasons – think about the concentration of middle-aged clothing, accessories, homewares and snacks, and you’ll know what […]
- Italian
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Taverna Messina, Jiyugaoka
My friends, I’ve figured out what I think of Jiyugaoka. This is not to say that I don’t like it, but the plethora of cute cafes, homewares stores and clothing boutiques says nothing to me so much as ‘rich housewives’. Perhaps in the same way that Sugamo is Obaa chan’s Harajuku, Jiyugaoka is a housewifve’s […]
- Other treats
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Saji Sushi, Jiyugaoka (鮨どころ佐治)

Jiyugaoka is a nice place. Have you noticed that? Perhaps you’ve seen it featured in every magazine and food/shopping TV show in Japan? No? Then I recommend it. Lots of fun little shops, quiet backstreets, restaurants. Really good. Waaaaay down the road (walking) from the station, the feeling of being in town dies out. In […]