We only go to the coolest places. Bringing up Catfish and Mrs P. right, as coffee snobs. Not that we are, but I like to take someone to surprising places. And since we were staying in Monnaka, and I keep hearing how hip it’s getting north of there, I thought we should check it out. […]
Kiyosumi Shirakawa
Kushiya, Kiyosumi Shirakawa (KUSHIYA こぬた)

Thassit baby, kinjo-jiman. I don’t give a good goddam if it’s lower-class, it’s my home. We rolled around a lot on this balmy summer night, speculating on whether we would be caught in the rain. Eventually we ended up back at the original intention, where they seemed to have been saving seats for us. This […]
Katayama, Kiyosumi Shirakawa (天ぷら 片山)

Today was the day of the big fish ‘n’ sake party, and I was out shopping. This is ont he way to the sake store, but the sake store was closed and I had already bought a bunch. My favorite rice store is right near the sake store – they always have at least half […]
Daruma, Kiyosumi Shirakawa (だるま)

Weird stuff, my friends. As I was leaving work I realized that not only was I really hungry, but I was thinking “It’s good to be hungry. Maybe I’ll skip dinner.” That sort of thinking has got to stop, and since I needed to go to the rice store I decided to eat a bunch […]