Thassit baby, kinjo-jiman. I don’t give a good goddam if it’s lower-class, it’s my home. We rolled around a lot on this balmy summer night, speculating on whether we would be caught in the rain. Eventually we ended up back at the original intention, where they seemed to have been saving seats for us. This […]
Kushitei, Nihonbashi (串亭 日本橋三越前)

Oh look, another place in the newer Coredo building. Get used to it folks. How many have you read about so far? I think I’ve been 6 as of today. Have to be focused and completist, that’s what I always sayist. Kushitei is up on the fourth floor, which is a bit classier (like the […]
Nagomi, Monzennakacho (串揚処 和み)

Yet another new place that opened in the last few weeks; the orchids are still fresh. This one is on the street by the river, and where we were sitting would have an awesome view of cherry blossoms in a few weeks. It would be worth reserving, actually. Opinions vary on the interior; I thought […]
- Ginza
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Mogami, Ginza (最上)

Until now, the only kushiage place I’ve really loved (or been to an appreciable number of times) has been Isomura. I’d probably still tell you to go there first for the funky country-style atmosphere, almost like a mix of American tacky country and Japanese farmhouse, and of course for the great fry at decent prices. […]
Vin Picoeur, Marunouchi
This is an odd position to be in – needing to recommend a restaurant from the Aux Amis chain. After a series of mediocre experiences at the Maru Biru glamour outlet and the Brasserie outlet, I don’t know what I was doing steering this work dinner toward yet another one (in the same building as the Brasserie, […]
Mahoroba, Monzen Nakacho (まほろば)
Indeed my friends, Monzen Nakacho is a place of wonder. If you ever make it there, you’ll wonder “Why was I not informed sooner of the bounteous delights which awaited me in this lively, old-fashioned little suburb?” Seriously, you’ll be really surprised by how many places there are to eat and drink at night. It’s […]
Kushi Kushi, Maebashi (串くし)

What kind of place is Maebashi? One of the bigger buildings that I could see from my hotel was called Maebashi City Hall, and I’ll leave it to the katakana readers to interpret シティーホール for the rest… Honestly, the biggest remaining industry in Maebashi seems to be clubs, but even the best clubs have a […]
Kushihan, Otemachi (Tokyo Station)
Tokyo station has a wealth of dining options, my friends, and is well within your purview if you’re one of the lucky, elite few that work in Otemachi (Or Tokyo. Or Nihonbashi. Or Marunouchi. They’re all so close that it’s almost pointless to differentiate. What a great city!) Outside the station are the Sapia and […]
- Other treats
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Kushinobo, Roppongi
Squarely in the category of ‘places you’ve been to a lot of times in the last few years’, Kushinobo offers up surprising value in battered and fried items. One challenge is that you have to be a Roppongi worker, or find some other way to get a Community Passport. I guess Kushinobo is a pretty […]