Hard rain, high wind, two kids in a stroller, one asleep, dinner time, nowhere near home. That wasn’t the best planning ever. And that’s how you end up at chain restaurants. Which I don’t care about any more, because when you have an enormous private room like the one below, how can you care? I […]
Nikuzushi, Monzen Nakacho (肉寿司 門前仲町)

This is a new one to the neighborhood, at least since last time I scouted. It was already pretty late, and a lot of stuff was closed or closing (or full, which is how my life continues not to include the experience of entering Shot Bar Funx). This place had the dual advantages of still […]
- Other treats
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Yaro Ramen, Naka Meguro (野郎ラーメン)

Yaro there! Sometimes you need to embrace the unexpected and glory in the thrill of the idiotic! Especially when you walk 35 minutes to a shop that’s CLOSED ON TUESDAYS. So you end up eating Jiro-style ramen, although I wonder if Mr. Yaro gets mad when people say that. Then again, he’s rocking the yellow […]
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Kimihan ramen, Gotanda (江戸前煮干中華そば きみはん 五反田店)

Good, heavens, this is my first-ever post in Gotanda. I believe this was the second or third time I’ve ever been here, and the first one or two were during weekend daylight hours for a funeral. I feel like it required two trips but it’s been many years and things are hazy. It’s hazy in […]
- Chinese
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Ryumon, Meguro (龍門 目黒本店)

Lunch with a colleague. I’m so used to picking where I go (sorry about that, friends and family) that it’s very confronting to have someone else say we’re going for Chinese. Because I would ordinarily NEVER GO FOR CHINESE. But this was cool, because it’s a Szechuan place. In fact it’s a classically smoky, yellowed […]
- izakaya
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Kei, Gakugei Daigaku (日本酒専門店 圭)

The Bird and I had a very quiet time at Ametsuchi. I was thinking even before we started there of going for a second place on this evening, and the atmosphere and first couple dishes confirmed it. By the end I was positively itchy to finish our hike from Meguro to Gakuegeidai and see about […]
Cafe Normale, Shimo Kitazawa (カフェ ノルマーレ)

I am hungry, and yes, yes, it is called love. It is called love in the world. Continuing on with amusing uses of foreign language, we have Cafe Normale. Amusing in this case because cafe should be masculine and get a manly adjective form, but I’m not hung up on that, because the two women […]
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Ichi Kichi Ramen, Kami Asao (らーめん 壱吉, 川崎市麻生区上麻生)

Once in a while I like doing a long, loving post about something completely inconsequential. Today the sky was blue and the mountains were calling, and I went for walk in search of sustenance. Sort of hunter-gatherer thing, you understand. On the other side of the mountain, life is simpler. This is really like country […]
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Hachi Ramen, Takadanobaba (はち ラーメン)

I was out on a mission this afternoon – go to guitar stores, have ramen, urban-hike Tokyo, find an early-opener izakaya with Sunday hours, and get drunk. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, BY GUM. The guitar stores were in Shin Okubo today (Korea town, also interestingly invaded these days by people whose provenance causes them to open spice […]
- Other treats
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Tsujita Ramen, Yaesu (二代目つじた、八重洲)

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. Or just go on to the next entry, because I’ve certainly told you this one before. The metaphoric you, you understand. Tsujita is one of my favorite ramens and I don’t like to miss a chance to eat there. Fortunately they’ve opened a new branch right near […]