What kind of place is Maebashi? One of the bigger buildings that I could see from my hotel was called Maebashi City Hall, and I’ll leave it to the katakana readers to interpret シティーホール for the rest… Honestly, the biggest remaining industry in Maebashi seems to be clubs, but even the best clubs have a […]
Uguisu, Maebashi

DISCLAIMER: This post has very little to do with food. It’s more of a disjointed travelogue about a mediocre country town. And it’s not even much of that. But it IS long… The last post (delivered via mobile!) may have been a bit confusing if anyone was paying attention. I decided a quick overnight trip […]
Sakura no Mi, Maebashi

So many things in Japan are just wrong…like the talk show that I’m watching while I wait for my yakisoba here in beautiful downtown Maebashi. They seem to be doing ‘weird body facts’, and had a guy trying to eat udon while standing on his head in front of an xray machine so they could […]