I wandered over to UrbaneNet, that most civilized of buildings, after finishing my meetings in Yaesu today. Down in the lobby I met the Preacher, who I guess never goes out for lunch, because he’s a shadow of his former self and had no idea how to walk the 5 minutes up to East-side Kanda. […]
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Hugo’s Frog Bar, Chicago

No visit to New Jersey is complete without a daytrip to Chicago, that’s what I always say. So Thursday saw us up at the crack of dawn, suffering through three hours of mechanical, technical and weather delays plus in-flight turbulence that had more than one fellow flier screaming in terror. Once the day’s business was […]
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Carolina Blue, Pitman

There are few things better than rolling into your hometown on a sunny afternoon early in the summer when the leaves are green, the sky is blue, and temperatures hover in the low 80’s. It helps if your hometown is a placid, self-contained suburb like mine. It’s better if it has a decent restaurant nearby. […]
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DBGB, New York

Let me disclose up front that in college I used to ride bikes with Chef Chiggen Legs; as a result, Cuz and I got some special treatment here. Like “we’ll just triple the number of plates you ordered” kinda special. Your mileage will vary. My last post contained a good deal of disgruntlage about the […]
Barbacoa, Marunouchi
The Wondertable group contains far, far more restaurants than is probably good for anyone’s health. I had no idea about this until I saw the spread of business cards under the counter at Barbacoa – the empire stretches from izakaya chain Roku Roku (Roppongi Hillz 5th floor, Shibuya near Parco, etc), shabu-ya Momo Paradise, Tokyo […]
Tucano’s, Shibuya (Shi-Boo-Yah!)

I was asked several times during this end-of-an-era team dinner if I was going to remember everything the next day. And I remember now exactly what I said I was going to remember when asked: MEAT. That’s not very original, but we don’t claim or strive to be original every day, folks. It’s not original […]