I’ll not soon forget this afternoon – for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to get here, one of the most popular restaurants in Yushima, the one where even I can read the comments saying “It’s full every day,” at exactly 12 PM. Oopsie. The waitress was nice about it, not […]
Cafe Rosemary, (カフェ ローズマリー)
Oh hell, it’s the fourth of July. Well, happy fourth to everyone who’s in a place where they give a damn. Here, it’s a normal day at the office, albeit one on which I could spend almost 75 minutes at lunch. Then again, I did ride to Akiba, buy a disk drive, find this place, […]
Shun-poo ramen, Akihabara (麺 旬風)
Another day, another ramen. I was braving the heat again to ride about on my bike, this time up by Akiba. On the east side of the highway, in that weird strip of tall buildings under and next to the tracks, I popped out of a random alley and faced this happy site. I try […]
- Kanda
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Katsugiya ramen, Kanda (かつぎや)
It’s tempting to give up sometimes. These guys went to Katsugiya just after it opened and did a much more complete job of writing it up than I ever would. On the other hand, I bet most of you can’t read that crap. I sure can’t! Anyway, I had a different dish. So here goes. […]
- izakaya
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Gochi, Shibuya (ごち)
Yooooooshta. It’s official. I have now been to all of the good sake places in Tokyo. Think you know another? Nope. Not good. This is the last one. Boo-yah! Good, I’m glad we could all agree on that. Shibuya at night. Not really night. I love love love summer because you can leave the office […]
- Kanda
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Shi ramen, Kanda (波 シー)
Remember a day or two ago I was saying I wanted to knock off the ramen places on this street? There’s one more after Shi, but I can say with 20/20 foresight that I’ll hit it in a day or two. I can also say that Shi is the best place on the street. Nifty, […]
Sabroso, Ochanomizu (サブロッソ)
Yooooooshta. It’s official. I have now been to all of the good sake places in Tokyo. Think you know another? Nope. Not good. This is the last one. Boo-yah! Good, I’m glad we could all agree on that. Warm, sunny nights in summer, I just enjoy the hell out of Tokyo. After work I took […]
- Other treats
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Roberta’s, New York
Wow, Brooklyn is so mean. So hip. I felt positively young coming here. Actually I felt puzzled, because when we got off the train at Morgan Street, with someone wearing Dior and me already dressed for dinner, there were no people on the streets, and nothing but warehouses. So we went to the address implied […]
- beer
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Carolina Blue, Pitman
There are few things better than rolling into your hometown on a sunny afternoon early in the summer when the leaves are green, the sky is blue, and temperatures hover in the low 80’s. It helps if your hometown is a placid, self-contained suburb like mine. It’s better if it has a decent restaurant nearby. […]
Bario ramen, Ochanomizu (らーめん バリ男)
Hola pendejo. Oye como va and all that. I’d like to write a whole Spanish-themed post, but that’s about as far as I’ll get. Busy days. This place hasn’t been open for long, and I can’t help feeling they’re riding the crest of a crashing wave – surely brick-heavy, artery-clogging ramen can’t have long to […]