There are a few places in Tokyo that I like believe in enough to go back to, and a very few that I feel compelled to post more than once about. Obviously Honoka is one of them. I don’t think they remember me despite the nice welcome card, because I was there quite some time […]
Musashi Koyama
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Honoka, Musashi Koyama (穂のか)

Why is it that I find so many places recently worthy of a Recommended tag? (For the record, it’s currently 138 places out of a total 850, and I find that ratio quite acceptable, especially when you consider that some of them are lunch recommendations) I like to think that it’s because I’m such a […]
Musashi Koyama Onsen, Musashi Koyama (武蔵小山温泉 清水湯)

Wait, what? Why did I never publish this post? It’s from a humid Sunday in July when Woody and I first encountered Honoka. As is often the case with him, he wanted to moisten his bird before wetting his whistle. That came out wrong, I mean he likes to go to hot springs before going […]
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Kawashima, Musashi Koyama (川島)

In one of the standard books on drinking sake in Tokyo, there’s an establishment called ‘Sake no Ana’. I like to translate that as ‘The Liquor Hole’, although I’m sure there’s a more delicate way of putting it. If I had to assign a name to Kawashima, it would be ‘The Liquor Cave’. It’s a […]