I’ve been accused before of over-posting, and commenting on a McDonald’s isn’t going to sway any opinions to the contrary. But to the contrary, you may well need to know about this. Because you can go to McDonald’s across from Yodobashi Camera in Akiba, buy a soda, go upstairs, and look out the window at […]
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Soregashi, Gotanda (酒場 それがし)

Soregashi is known to many…or at least to my circle of hardened fellow travelers and explorers. It showed up on my list of potential things to do in greater Meguro, and then when I realized it was on Woodrow’s list from a few years ago, the deal was closed. I met up with You, who […]
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Deguchiya, Nakameguro (出口屋)

I walked by this place 4 times total (because it took me two days to hit the Yakumoz due to the fact that they’re CLOSED ON TUESDAYS) and every time thought it looked pretty sweet. They’ve been in business something like 80 years and have an attached bar (Bar Exit, geddit?). They must be doing […]
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Yakumo ramen, Ikejiri (支那そば 八雲)

Yaaaaaaa-kumooooooo Yaaaaaaa-kumooooooo! OK, that’s out of the way. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to find a video of a sweet potato truck playing the traditional song, without a white guy on the front babbling for 2 minutes about he’s exposing the soul of Japan. Even that video kinda sucks, so you knead to […]
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Kimihan ramen, Gotanda (江戸前煮干中華そば きみはん 五反田店)

Good, heavens, this is my first-ever post in Gotanda. I believe this was the second or third time I’ve ever been here, and the first one or two were during weekend daylight hours for a funeral. I feel like it required two trips but it’s been many years and things are hazy. It’s hazy in […]
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Purple Mountain Chinese Noodles, Tamachi (ラーメン むらさき山)

So here we are again, just me and Todd, passing an enjoyable hour getting away from it all for lunch. It’s a little funny that we’re both in Tokyo. It’s also little funny that ‘getting away from it all’ entails sweating while surrounded by shortish guys in suits, but that’s how we roll. Or stroll. […]
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Requinquer, Shiroganedai

Romance is not dead. Merely slumbering. It awakens every few years. Like cicadas. With a fortuitous alignment of stars and moon this month, Big Bird and I are both in Tokyo and had a few weeks to awaken the ‘romantic Thursday Lunch‘ tradition we established in 2011. Requinquer is pretty well-known and highly-regarded, so it’s […]
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Kei, Gakugei Daigaku (日本酒専門店 圭)

The Bird and I had a very quiet time at Ametsuchi. I was thinking even before we started there of going for a second place on this evening, and the atmosphere and first couple dishes confirmed it. By the end I was positively itchy to finish our hike from Meguro to Gakuegeidai and see about […]
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Anis, Hatsudai (アニス)

We have to pick our lunch spots carefully these days – where can we run out to for a glamorous lunch and be back before Peanut wakes up from his nap? I kid, I kid, but we do have to pick, because he can’t stay home for that long. I thought Anis was near Yoyogi, which […]
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Ame Ni Mo Makezu, Ikebukuro (割烹 雨ニモマケズ)

Oh for goodness’ sake, will the stream of amazing restaurants never end? Just when I was getting a bit sick of myself for ordering the same nuta and bitter vegetables and raw fish and finishing with fried food and hot sake, along comes a place with creative food, killer atmosphere, good saki, and great prices, […]