Reims Yanagidate, Aoyama

It’s cool when you ask for a glass of champagne to start things off and the waiter says ‘white or rose, sir?’ I suppose you might expect that when the restaurant is named after the capital of Champagne (and still a word that my crappy French accent can’t negotiate). But it still set a nice […]

Fukahama, Monzennakacho (Fukagawa)

Right up on the list of ‘best surprises that month’ (maybe sometime around mid-late-05?) was this kaiseki-styled place that I wandered in to by myself after work. It’s really out-of-the-way – first because it’s in Monzennakacho, second because it’s actually almost 10 minutes from the station (going north, the boring direction), third because it’s down […]

Michiba , Ginza

Those with Iron Chef fetishes will be well-served here despite the absence of Roku-chan himself from the kitchen (I can call him that because I saw a documentary on him one time and his 80-year old older sisters were calling him ‘Roku-chan’). The three times I’ve been have all ranged from impressive to extraordinary (maybe […]

Bar Fal, Ginza

Once in a while people ask if I know a good bar. I always say yes, and describe Fal to them. They never go. Maybe I smell bad? I don’t know what you like in a bar, but here’s what does it for me: Dark, woody, quiet. Jazz, probably. A wide selection of drinks in different […]