Once in a while I eat some chocolate. Not often enough to make a blog out of it, y’know? I’ve gone off eating mass-produced stuff like Meiji and Ghana (i.e., Japanese Hershey’s) because it doesn’t seem worth spending the calories on. There’s a whole world of high-end chocolate that’s well worth the calories if you […]
- Other treats
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Kawamura soba, Yanaka (川むら)

You wouldn’t believe what you can get done in a lunch hour if you work in Otemachi. Granted, no one’s checking my arrival times, so it’s OK to run over a few minutes when you need to get something done like today’s shopping trip. But if I told you I went to Tokyo station, took the […]
Nagomi, Sendagi (和味)

It bears mention again – there are few neighborhoods better for an afternoon of exploration with someone than Nezu. It’s a place you don’t get tired of – you may have read about visits with Woodsy, McNoonan, and even by myself, twice. The long jog that finally tweaked my knees for the year was a couple […]
- Italian
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Canova, Sendagi

Plan for a day off: Run. Decompress. Ride bike to Nezu/Sendagi for foreign-food lunch. Done. New Tokyo Tower is getting pretty damn big. If you get up next to it, you’ll definitely be incredulousized at its biggosity. As it is, and if you live on the good side of town like me (West Side haterz, […]
- Other treats
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Sanri, Sendagi (三里、千駄木)

Have you been to Sendagi? I have. Now I’ve been twice. I’m not sure if I’ll be back, but that’s only because it’s one of Tokyo’s cute, quiet, interesting little neighborhoods – and there are lots more to see. But it would be a pretty livable place – residing in the valley between Tokyo University […]
Rainbow Kitchen, Sendagi

It would be practically impossible to walk past the dingy exterior of the Rainbow Kitchen without giving it a second look. The rusty corrugated metal and rough bleached wood that make up the facade are a carefully designed fashion statement. This funky little spot looks like it’s been rusticating for decades, but in fact it’s […]