As usual I’m left wondering if this name 維sスッポセdとべあぷん。Oh, sorry. Is supposed to be a pun. Is it like an ‘important’ joke, but it’s ‘Big Snow’ instead? I bet not. It’s just that everything’s a potential pun to me. Jokes aren’t the same in Japan. This ramen is Asahigawa-style (here, read all about the three […]
Rakeru, Shinyurigaoka (ラケル 新百合丘OPA店)

Opa! I always feel festive and a little Greek when shopping at the Opa complex in downtown Shinyuri. Not as festive and Greek as I feel watching that Eurovision video, but a little. We were out and about shopping, someone went home with Mrs. Peel, and Catfish and I were left to our own devices […]
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Bikkuri Sushi, Shin Yurigaoka (びっくり寿司 新百合ケ丘店)

I’ll just get this joke out of the way up front: “This place is surprisingly good!” Did you get that? Didja? Huh? This particular branch in Shinyuri is a funny one of the 12 in the chain because it closes earliest (10:30, not 4 AM like many of them) and it offers delivery. It also […]
Izumi, Shin Otani (いずみ)

Recently I’ve all about the stepz. 10,000 per day is supposed to be the way to continued health, if not weight loss, and while in Japan it was pretty easy to ‘meet or exceed expectations’ on that, as we say in this crazy world of ‘business’. There’s not a lot near the house, but what […]
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Denmaru Ramen, Kami Asao (伝丸 新百合ヶ丘店)

I got back late, late at night from my first trip to Osaka. I mean, regular salarymen work this late every night, but when I arrive at the station at 11:10, that’s a solid day of work (lunch pictures notwithstanding). There’s an izakaya between home and the station that I’ve been itching to try, and […]
Hara Donuts, Shin Yurigaoka

Keep it obsessive, that’s what I always say. I wasn’t sure where my lunch was coming from today, and I was a bit peckish after getting up at 5 as usual, so I picked up a donut in the station complex. Not just any donut, a Hara donut. It’s a funny by-and-for-girls sort of concept, […]
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Machidaya, Shin Yurigaoka

So I broke my glasses. Not completely, but enough to make you think they could break any time, and I’ve got stuff coming up where I really need to be wearing glasses. Like my life. So I walked up to the station and ordered some new ones, walked around and did some errands, and then […]
- izakaya
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Kyomachiya, Shin Yurigaoka (京町家)

Here be dragons. The wild spaces of Kanagawa are inhabited by all manner of hulking buildings and commuting dwarves. Falling into a need to journey out here to meet someone is surely my punishment for raising an eyebrow at Common’s choice of dwelling (if you’ve forgotten, Glenn, that’s you. Let’s get together next year!) – […]