Taisetsuken, Shin-Yurigaoka (旭川ラーメン 大雪軒 新百合ヶ丘VIVRE店)

As usual I’m left wondering if this name 維sスッポセdとべあぷん。Oh, sorry. Is supposed to be a pun. Is it like an ‘important’ joke, but it’s ‘Big Snow’ instead? I bet not. It’s just that everything’s a potential pun to me. Jokes aren’t the same in Japan. This ramen is Asahigawa-style (here, read all about the three […]

Izumi, Shin Otani (いずみ)

Recently I’ve all about the stepz. 10,000 per day is supposed to be the way to continued health, if not weight loss, and while in Japan it was pretty easy to ‘meet or exceed expectations’ on that, as we say in this crazy world of ‘business’. There’s not a lot near the house, but what […]

Hara Donuts, Shin Yurigaoka

Keep it obsessive, that’s what I always say. I wasn’t sure where my lunch was coming from today, and I was a bit peckish after getting up at 5 as usual, so I picked up a donut in the station complex. Not just any donut, a Hara donut. It’s a funny by-and-for-girls sort of concept, […]