My friends, I am genuinely excited to inform both of you that I have found something that shatters two of my previously-held notions: 1. Spain bars have boring, ordinary food (and the food in Spain had better be better by next month, or there’ll be hell to pay) and 2. The Aux Amis group tends […]
Saudade, Shinjuku

So I went to Shinjuku to look for some shoes. Foreigner? Wear large sizes? Tired of being laughed out regular stores for having big feet, or tired of trying to make do with the one pair of daggy brown shoes they have in your size? Hikari is your place (weirdly, I think this Kutsu no […]
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Andalucia, Yaesu
Yeeeessss, one place wasn’t enough for all the conversation we had to get through, so Preacher and I strolled around debating what to do, finding no particular place where we wanted to settle in after eating so much at Hanaya. A few blocks passed before we found ourselves in front of Kavach and the ill-starred […]
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Fujimama’s, Omotesando
First time. Yay. Now I’ve been there too. Volumic, dull Asian-global fusion with a Mexican twist. Atmosphere is kinda nice though. Granted, the review is influenced by the company.03-5485-2283
- Ginza
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Casa Camaron, Ginza (Velvia)
Patrick Hutter (not his real name) lived across the hall from me freshman year at Wesleyan. He was a funny character, a German who had grown up most of the time in Mexico where his father was an exec with Siemens. He had a Strat, which he played only once in a while, some odd […]
Rick’s Spain Bar, Kayabacho
I’ll do my best to resist all urges to make stupid jokes. Rick’s is a Spain Bar (what is it with Spain Bars in the last year or two? Why can’t we have Italian Bars or French Bars?) mildly tucked away in Kayabacho (but near Miyakawa, and near Talo the Belgian beer place, oh and […]
- Other treats
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Amor de Gaudi, Roppongi
In a funny little category of ‘Roppongi places I’ve been for both lunch and dinner’ is this Spain bar near Roppongi Hills (just outside Hollywood). There are half a dozen tables and a small counter in tiled / dark wood and metal faux-Spanish environment, and the food is what you might call ‘Spanish Bistro’ or, […]