Hey, you’re special to me, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Just by appearing in this uncredited picture (or reading this otherwise pedestrian blog entry), you’ve done a service to humanity. So don’t think you don’t count. Everyone is special. Hiroshou is pretty special too. Who even knew there was such a thing as […]
- Kanda
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Shishi Uo, Kanda (すし魚)

It’s kinda dumb, right? Here I am, not working, and what do I do for lunch? I ride the charinko over to Kanda and have donburi with Todd. It’s also not that smart that I cruised up alongside a rightwing nutjob van, banged on the window and gave them the finger, but that’s what I […]
- izakaya
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Kamotsuru, Kamoi (鴨鶴,鴨居)

You got transferred out of our team a couple months ago and became the manager of the branch down near the navy base in Kanagawa. He’s gotten pretty into the area, and invited me down to check it out for a day. He took the day off, brought his car over from home (it’s too […]
Maruzen tempura, Morishita (満る善 まるぜん)

Occasional visitors to Japan (hi Mom and Dad) will recognize this tiny, fading place as the one where we had lunch one day around 2005. Or not. It’s in the row of places across from the north entrance to Morishita station, along with Fuji. It’s a real get-there-before-they-die sort of place. So many of them […]
MaMa, Kanda (中国料理 媽媽)

There are days when I just think “Chinese”. They are few, and they are far between – only twice a year, maybe. This was one of them. After a lot of walking around in a dangerously dithering state (all the untried places looked crappy), I came upon MaMa. And it turned out really well! I […]
Mus-mus, Marunouchi

As you may have heard, I tend to go to a new restaurant for lunch every day. Working in the greater Otemachi area allows an incredible range of choice – for example the Shin Marunouchi Building is 5 minutes walk but has 45 dining options. I haven’t exhausted them all, especially the ones up on […]
Saburoku Juhachi Hanale (三冨魯久汁八 華れ)

Hey, for starters, I didn’t make up the name. The kanji are a jokey reinterpretation, but evidently the expression is a mnemonic for “three sixes are eighteen,” and it was described to me as “Japanese math”. Really. Strikes me as one of those things like “Wow, man, it’s so mystical – if you take 2, […]
Nana, Nihonbashi ()

Muromachi Coredo explorations continue; for a couple days I actually went to adjacent places on the 3rd floor – gotta get to ’em all eventually, so it’s actually better not to go to all the good-looking ones first. This place is nondescript from outside, but inside a long, wooded hallway leads back to the restaurant […]
- Otemachi
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Komeraku, Otemachi (ひとくち茶漬け 八十八楽 こめらく)

The green-ness here is quite striking, isn’t it? As are the low ceilings. These old-fashioned buildings in central Tokyo were not built with claustrophobics in mind. Or people were smaller back then. My favorite example of that style was the old JA building, which was dark and dirty and half-shuttered as well as claustrophobic. Now […]
- Kyoto
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Nishinotoin Shokudo, Kyoto (京 小町食堂 西洞院店)

I’ve been accused of excessive blogging, but only once or twice. (I’ve also been accused of a few other things in relation to this blog, but mostly they were inspired by Canadia and her denizens.) Anyway, For the 3 minutes it’ll take to upload and type, I think it’s interesting and maybe useful to point […]