Boring post, dead ahead. Aye aye cap’n! Hard astern!! This place is always crowded. During lunch hours they have 8 or 10 chairs outside, and a good portion of the time they’re in use. This means that the place is either really good or else is just plain popular for no good reason, which happens […]
Hide, Kyobashi (秀)
Nice weather and a ready bike always make me want to venture farther away from the office. I want to stress that it has very little to do with finding new places, which is not a challenge – there are still 3 places right in my building that I haven’t been to yet! Today I […]
- Other treats
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No-tenki, Tokyo (呑うてんき,八重洲)

Evidently a bit of linguistic confusion on this one – the dictionary doesn’t want to admit that the titular phrase exists, and one noted expert around the office says “There’s no such word.” It’s a slight bastardization of a phrase for ‘happy-go-lucky’, which I guess is as good a phrase as any to convey the […]
Mikawa, Kayabacho

The cause of much trepidation, my friends, this tempura expedition. The staff at EOITwJ has been thinking for ages that there’s probably more to tempura than lunch teishoku or the very occasional tendon from Tenya (although their conveyor-belt frying system is pretty sweet). Last night we put it to the test, with very good results! […]
Tenpachi, Tokyo (天ぱち, 東京駅キッチンストリート)
Tenpachi only gives out half-size business cards, so I’ll keep this brief. So I had lunch with Gita, who doesn’t eat animals (fish are OK) and we went to Kitchen Street in Tokyo Station. Something about that place makes me eat fried food; I would have been tempted by the beef-focused places if not for […]