I’ll not soon forget this afternoon – for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to get here, one of the most popular restaurants in Yushima, the one where even I can read the comments saying “It’s full every day,” at exactly 12 PM. Oopsie. The waitress was nice about it, not […]
Cafe Rosemary, (カフェ ローズマリー)

Oh hell, it’s the fourth of July. Well, happy fourth to everyone who’s in a place where they give a damn. Here, it’s a normal day at the office, albeit one on which I could spend almost 75 minutes at lunch. Then again, I did ride to Akiba, buy a disk drive, find this place, […]
- French
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Caudalie, Yushima

If they want to convert the bottom floor of their modern, rebuilt Yushima house into a 1-room French restaurant with good style and serve decent food at reasonable prices, more power to ’em. That’s what I say. I saw Caudalie a year or more back while on a bike cruise around Yanesen; it’s taken this […]